loopylozza_48 wrote:
it seems that overnight i have been suspended.

Now for those living near or in the time zone for neopets wouldnt have a problem, cos the suspension ends aroud 4pm nst (thats pacific standard time).
But there is no consideration for those in different time zones. I would have to wait until after midnight! Now for a 13 year old, dont you think that it is a bit unfair, after the sugar rush is over, to try and stay up, and use a computer that im not meant to be on after 11:30, just to do the advent calendar?
Aswell most of my family play neopets, and since you cant access the login page, Im gonna be toast!
I only advertised my guild, which is PERFECTLY ALLOWED. Does anyone know a way around the login problem? Do you have any views on this? Post them here!
OK, what does your suspension say? That might help us help you.
You said you were just advertising your guild ... where were you advertising it? Anywhere but the guild board could be considered off-topic or spam, especially if you bumped your topic. Also, does your guild have anything like contest, giveaways, motw, motm, birthday, etc. packs? All of those are against the rules in any way, shape or form.
As far as the rest of your family, I can't see why they can't log into their accounts. As long as everyone has their own email; clear cookies/cache/history after each person has logged in, done whatever then logged out (a very good idea anyway), just because you're suspended shouldn't stop the other people from logging in ... unless they got suspended too?
As to time of suspension. Time zone means nothing. Anyone in the US could be suspended at, say, 3 a.m. and we'd have to wait until the time was up, however long the suspension was for.
I'm sorry you did get a suspension, and I know that sometimes the reason given is vague or confusing, but you know, I'd rather a suspension than a freezing! At least you will get your account back.