For Neopets ONLY discussion.
Mon Jan 02, 2006 7:47 pm
I went to play the tombola and the fruit machine but I was told that I'd already played today and I hadn't. I've just started using Firefox, are there any settings that could be giving me this?
The same thing just happened with the wheel of mediocrity! Could someone else be on my account?
Mon Jan 02, 2006 8:11 pm
Firefox has an odd habit of double clicking some things.. it causes problems playing sites like Subeta.
I haven't had it do it while I'm on neopets, but you never know..
Mon Jan 02, 2006 8:14 pm
Moonlight Flower wrote:Firefox has an odd habit of double clicking some things.. it causes problems playing sites like Subeta.
I haven't had it do it while I'm on neopets, but you never know..
Hmm, could be, I think I'll have to keep an eye on it, or do my dailies in IE. Any other theories from you PPT peeps?
Tue Jan 03, 2006 12:02 am
Unsure. Might as well change your email/password just in case.
Does anyone else in the house play neopets? It's possible they played on your account accidentally.
Tue Jan 03, 2006 12:29 am
Is the site laggy? Oftentimes if it's really bad, the browser will say "do this" and the site will, but the response will never get through. Then the browser thinks nothing happened so it tries again, and when it does the site gives the already done message.
That only happens when the site is extremely laggy, but another reason the same thing can happen is if you click twice on things. A common case is if the site is just a little bit laggy, and you don't want to wait so you try again--but really the first one went through, just didn't get back to you yet. I get that one a lot, just 'cause I'm impatient.
Other than that, as shapu said it's quite possible someone in your house didn't realize they were logged in as you. That happens with my brothers and sister quite often (though not me, I have my own computer).
Tue Jan 03, 2006 10:29 am
what always happens to me is that when I click on one of those events, the page doesnt load correctly, and I get a blank page. However, when I try to refresh, the browser will send the info again, and I get the "you've already done this" message, and I wont be able to see what I got/won. Very frustrating and annoying!
Tue Jan 03, 2006 5:07 pm
Thanks for your help guys, I think it is a Firefox/lag problem as I don't have anyone else here who plays Neopets. Also, I went to the snowager yesterday, got the "you've already done this" message then checked my inventory and there was a plushie there. I shall keep an eye on it or, as I suggested earlier, play the once-a-day's in IE.
Wed Jan 04, 2006 5:58 am
endeavourl wrote:what always happens to me is that when I click on one of those events, the page doesnt load correctly, and I get a blank page. However, when I try to refresh, the browser will send the info again, and I get the "you've already done this" message, and I wont be able to see what I got/won. Very frustrating and annoying!
In fact I don't think we get the thing we would have gotten at places like Tombola... That's what I think happens... I get it a lot too
Wed Jan 04, 2006 10:22 pm
pH7 wrote:endeavourl wrote:what always happens to me is that when I click on one of those events, the page doesnt load correctly, and I get a blank page. However, when I try to refresh, the browser will send the info again, and I get the "you've already done this" message, and I wont be able to see what I got/won. Very frustrating and annoying!
In fact I don't think we get the thing we would have gotten at places like Tombola... That's what I think happens... I get it a lot too
You're probably not winning.
Thu Jan 05, 2006 12:59 am
pH7 wrote:endeavourl wrote:what always happens to me is that when I click on one of those events, the page doesnt load correctly, and I get a blank page. However, when I try to refresh, the browser will send the info again, and I get the "you've already done this" message, and I wont be able to see what I got/won. Very frustrating and annoying!
In fact I don't think we get the thing we would have gotten at places like Tombola... That's what I think happens... I get it a lot too
Nope. I have gotten items sometimes, you just have to look in your inventory.
Thu Jan 05, 2006 7:46 pm
That is strange. I've been using firefox for a long time and never once had a problem like that
*pats FF* you are so good to me
Thu Jan 05, 2006 9:43 pm
DarkAngel wrote:That is strange. I've been using firefox for a long time and never once had a problem like that
*pats FF* you are so good to me

I'm pretty sure its a problem with firefox used in conjunction with a firewall program such as norton.
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