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How does the Pyramids high score work?

Thu Jan 05, 2006 10:45 pm

I see the people on the "high scores" for pyramids have some 37 million points or something.... and it says points are reset after 3 months... so i was wondering how that works.....

Have these people basically been playing pyramids non stop for 3 months to acquire such high scores? And when did it get reset last? When will it get reset again? Just wondering. :D

Fri Jan 06, 2006 1:34 am

This game keeps an accumulative score of all the games you play. You can only make so much a day. All the scores are cleared about every 3 months or something.

Sat Jan 07, 2006 3:38 pm

actually i don't think there's a limit to how much your score can increase each day. you can only make 5000 NP a day, but if you keep playing you can keep increasing your high score

Sun Jan 08, 2006 4:35 am

Actually I believe what happens is that your accumulative score is never cleared (like avatars and stamps) so all you have to do at the beginning of a month is play one game and you'll get you 52 points or however many you score that round added to your accululative score.

Some calculations I did when trying to get that trophy indicated that even if I played Pyramids every waking moment for months I still wouldn't get the top score or anywhere near. Its a long term thing, the only way someone can get bumped off then it seems is if they completely stop playing. Either that or people are using programs to play which would make accumulating points a whole lot faster because you don't have to "play" the game.

bumpty85 wrote:actually i don't think there's a limit to how much your score can increase each day. you can only make 5000 NP a day, but if you keep playing you can keep increasing your high score

That's correct but the amount you would need to score everyday by my calculations would be virtually impossible unless it was done over the course of a long time.
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