For Neopets ONLY discussion.
Wed Dec 21, 2005 6:28 pm
Congratulations! You have guessed correctly in the Lenny Conundrum game (round 147). You have won 328 NP!
Because you were in the first 250 to guess correctly, you also have been awarded a Minty Mocha Cake, and receive a trophy and the Lenny Conundrum avatar!
Yours Sincerely,
The Neopets Team!
hehe upgrade to silver!!
Asparagus Gateaux
Wed Dec 21, 2005 7:32 pm
Yay! ^___^ I finally got the trophy/avatar again!
Wed Dec 21, 2005 7:54 pm
Aw it said I got a trophy but no upgrade
Wed Dec 21, 2005 11:19 pm
Wow answered the lenny c. in a very long time and got the right answer and 250 so thats great. I was wondering what do you need to get gold?
Thu Dec 22, 2005 6:26 pm
Here's our problem. Whenever we post a Lenny Conundrum question, people solve it and then tell it to everyone else, thereby ruining it for the people that work hard to get the answer and the prize. It's unfair because some people spend a lot of time trying to solve it, and others don't do any work at all; they just get the answer from the Neoboards.
Therefore, to punish all of you, we're not telling you what the question is. You'll just have to guess the answer. Maybe that will teach you a lesson: don't spoil the Lenny Conundrum for others!
^_^ Just out!
Thu Dec 22, 2005 6:30 pm
Ok - I am SERRIOUSLY lauging my butt of here - I just can't decide what tact to take here - do you make a joke, just guess a word, offer a solution - lets make this a fun week, what tact are you taking?
Thu Dec 22, 2005 6:47 pm
HAHAHA!. I will love to see the person who gets this right, and wins all 2 million neopoints. I will doubley love for the person to be me.
HINT: Do not guess things that will be guessed by others, like 42, Asparagus, Answer, Question, ect... guess something that ia random enough to be the answer, but that you do not think anyone else will guess
Thu Dec 22, 2005 6:59 pm
Woohoo!! Gold trophy x3 from the last one!
As for this new one... I have no idea. From the source there's this:
- Code:
<!-- This is not a hint. -->
(Note that the boards software seems to insert extra spaces, so view the actual source of the LC page to see the correct version)
...Which could mean anything or nothing. I've already tried interpreting it as a program in the language Whitespace, but it didn't parse.

But that was a rather off the wall idea.
Thu Dec 22, 2005 7:16 pm
I noticed the same thing, and was trying to interpret the spaces using binary or something like that, but I figure that is probably way off base. Is this something that has been present in all of the LC source codes?
Thu Dec 22, 2005 7:19 pm
Well, theres definantly NOT going to be a lot of winners here...
Theres a stupid rumor going around the boards that it has to do with the spots on the gobstopper, or whatever it is. Frankly, I doubt its really that simple.
I for one just sent in the first thing that came in my head, and crossed my fingers. xD I'd like to KNOW who actually wins this though...
Thu Dec 22, 2005 7:28 pm
google_hints = "toothbrush chupa chups athletics xbox disney world nba target";
18 216 toothbrushes
14 225 chupa chups
8 333 athletics
171 3132 xbox
110 1456 disney world
15 674 nba
194 2644 target
Anyone think there is anything to this? I searched the google_hint string on Google, and came to a site that had those values listed for those words.
Thu Dec 22, 2005 7:36 pm
klungar wrote:google_hints = "toothbrush chupa chups athletics xbox disney world nba target";
18 216 toothbrushes
14 225 chupa chups
8 333 athletics
171 3132 xbox
110 1456 disney world
15 674 nba
194 2644 target
Anyone think there is anything to this? I searched the google_hint string on Google, and came to a site that had those values listed for those words.
That's just from the advertising, no? It helps google decide what ads to display. Though why neopets would be telling google to display toothbrush ads is beyond me...
Thu Dec 22, 2005 7:48 pm
I was thinking about morse code (I can't spell, sorry)
(hello all, I'm new here ^^)
Last edited by
Rainchan on Thu Dec 22, 2005 7:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Thu Dec 22, 2005 7:48 pm
So the hints are to Google, not to us. Oh well.
Thu Dec 22, 2005 7:58 pm
well I think this is karma, I just hope that whoever wins isn't one of those people who always get the answer off the neoboards...I mean honestly, I spend hours trying to work stuff out I search around to verify my answer and the neoboards are shouting it in peoples faces.
P.S. My answer is so random...oh well, if I don't win at least they might get a laugh out of it.
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