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Neopets Goal for 2006 to achieve.

Mon Dec 26, 2005 3:41 pm

Here is the link to last year goal in case you have forgotten about them. ... on&start=0

My 2004 goal that are not achieve yet:
All 4 colors eggs of draik - No
Complete my morphing potion gallery - No
Neopian Book Award - No

My 2005 goal:
Complete my Paint Brush Collection - Not yet
Reach Neopian Mega-Riches (min 2 million) for my bank account - yes
Complete Neoquest 2 evil mode - yes
Train my Zafara until he reached 200hp - he is now 199hp

My 2006 goal:
Complete my 2004 & 2005 goal.

Mon Dec 26, 2005 5:14 pm


2006 goals:

Re-morph Zalika into a purple Draik
Paint Amazarana Maraquan
Remake Aang (silver Jetsam)
Beat NQ2 on all three difficulties (still in Meridell on normal >.<)
Train the remade Zalika to the 50 boost in str/def, and get her 50-75 HP
Get back up to Illusen's 35th quest

I have a long way to go.

Mon Dec 26, 2005 5:15 pm

2006 Goal:

-Keep at least 500,000 NP (the most I've had at one time).
-Try to double that.
-If all else fails, make at least another 200,000.
-Create a main pet.
-Make an interesting, but easy-to-load lookup.
-Get into the Art Gallery at least once.
-Don't get frozen. Never have been, but there's a first time for everything.
-Join a guild.


Yea, a lot of these could be reached in a matter of days...but I'm a horrible procrastinator. I also gain NPs at a slow rate, and they tend to burn a hole in my pocket. So yea.

Mon Dec 26, 2005 5:20 pm

i have about 70ish collectable cards left to collect.... all which leave a dent in my wallet individually. my goal is to collect HALF of the cards i dont have this year. which is going to cost... a fortune. :(

Mon Dec 26, 2005 5:40 pm

I didn't make goals last year :lol: Well I guess 2006 is a great year to start.

Goals for 2006

    • Save up to 2,000,000 NP in the bank
    • Paint an Ixi grey
    • Achieve 200+ avatars
    • Invest in stocks
    • Learn how to restock
    • Adopt out all my fosters
    • Complete my Ixi gallery
    • Complete my Spardel gallery
    Make a successful guild with 500+ members
    Make a successful neopets website with my domain

Wow, I'd better get a-cracking :)

Mon Dec 26, 2005 6:13 pm

2006 Goals :

-Reach 5,000,000 NP
-Complete my Jhudora Gallery
-Train my pet until she reaches level 75 (now 26)

Phew :P That's all I can think of right now

Mon Dec 26, 2005 6:19 pm

I have my long term goals in my siggie, but for the short term:

2006 Goals

Buy at least one piece of my "ultimate battle set" for my Baby Lenny
Complete Neoquest on Evil and Insane (completed normal for the first time today), get cracking on Neoquest II
Get back to 2 Mil (was way over... until pike pike, maraqua WC sets, and a baby PB set me back almost 2.5 mil)
Get another 30 avatars (one being the top gamer avvie)
Get 5 more trophies, upgrade 5 to champion
Make a nice user look up/shop
Find a good cause for my petpages and a guild I can enjoy being in
Contribute more to the whole Neopets community, especially PPT!

EDIT: oh yeah and i wanna complete at least half of the WC galleries ;) that's all!

Mon Dec 26, 2005 6:36 pm

Goals for 2005 (In order of difficulty)
Finish my NeoAdventure
Get the NeoAdventure Spotlight
Beat NQII on Normal
Max out my pets stats at Lvl. 20
Beat NQII on Evil
Get a flash game trophy
Get a Plushie Zafara
Get a Pirate Shoyru
Get a decent battle set

Goals for 2006 (In order of difficulty)
Get into the Neopian Times
Finish my NeoAdventure
Get a Halloween Lupe
Get the NeoAdventure Spotlight
Win the Storytelling Competition
Get 150 Avatars
Beat NQII on Evil
Get a flash game trophy
Get a Faerie Pteri
Get a Pirate Shoyru
Last edited by Matt on Sun Jan 08, 2006 12:59 am, edited 1 time in total.

Mon Dec 26, 2005 7:14 pm

Not being to far thinking or dipping my hands in too many pots I don have too many Goals for 2006:
Get my Shoyru a Royal Paint Brush
Figure out what color I want my Acara and make her that
Become a well respected Neopian Times writer, or at least get in the paper
Get better at all the games to get more avatars
Get more avatars, game related or not, period
More stamps for my album
More Zafara junk
Most important of all: more excuses to play when I should be doing calc of physics homework :P

Mon Dec 26, 2005 7:39 pm

I've never set Neopets goals(well, not in any way besides thinking "Gee, I want to whatever") before, but I might as well state them for the record this year:
Get 2,000,000 NP in the bank
Finish Neoquest 2 on Evil again
Finish Neoquest(I've been playing the same game wayyyyy too long)
Get the Packrat Avatar
Get at least 10 other non-clickable avatars
Beat the Meerca Henchmen and proceed with Defenders of Neopia
Last edited by Mongrel on Mon Dec 26, 2005 7:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Mon Dec 26, 2005 7:51 pm

My 2006 Goals:

Get a Royal Female Kougra with a decent name

1,000,000 in the bank - Yes I'm almost 16 months and have not yet acheived this

That's basically all for me. I don't really even go on Neopets as much as I used to. >.<

Mon Dec 26, 2005 8:02 pm

Michelle wrote:
1,000,000 in the bank - Yes I'm almost 16 months and have not yet acheived this

Try having played Neopets for 41 months and never achieving it.

Mon Dec 26, 2005 8:47 pm

Yeah, I've played since 2000 and never even SEEN a million np. Once, briefly, I had 700k after selling off every single thing in my account to buy something that, ironically, I can no longer recall.

Most of the items I sold are now worth millions alone....

I don't have any goals, as I don't even play the site. I have every pet/petpet I want on my single account and that's all I need. Been that way for years, really...all I do is keep track of newly released colors.
Last edited by Scythemantis on Mon Dec 26, 2005 9:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Mon Dec 26, 2005 8:51 pm

:) Sounds interesting:

Write a successful entry for the Neopian Times.
Paint the Krawk I got for Christmas Grey.
Get at least two of the Aisha colours I want.
Morph and paint a Draik Maraquan.
Get up to 300 avatars (probably the easiest).
Redesign my lookup with new skills in mind.
Work on my gallery further.
Possibly work on my Battledoming further.
Make sure my guild prospers.

Mon Dec 26, 2005 8:53 pm

Kula wrote:
Michelle wrote:
1,000,000 in the bank - Yes I'm almost 16 months and have not yet acheived this

Try having played Neopets for 41 months and never achieving it.

Try 50 months and never having had more than 300k in my bank.
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