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Yellow Negg Image

Wed Dec 28, 2005 4:43 am

I don't know if anyone can help, but I'm looking for an image of a yellow negg. A large image that I can use to decorate a user lookup/shop/gallery/etc. The "yellow negg" item image is too small for what I'd like to do.

Thanks for any help :)

Wed Dec 28, 2005 5:59 am

Try checking the old Caption Contests.

Wed Dec 28, 2005 7:09 am

Thanks for the idea - but I've already gone through all those (it took me forever!!). It did give me ideas for other images, but not for the negg. I haven't had much luck yet, so I might do something else instead :D

Thanks again :)

Wed Dec 28, 2005 8:50 am

The only one I can think of is this one, but I don't know how big/small you need it to be:


There's also this one, which I just thought of:

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