But how do we know the bike came first? Maybe, long ago Triumph stole concept art from Neopets and designed a bike around it. What if it was only just recently that Neopets won the legal battle to release a pet that looks like their original design? Think about it. What if a lot of people stole thier ideas from Neopets? There could be hundreds of legal cases with Neopets trying to reclaim their work. (This is all speculation and jokes so don't freak out). What if one of their suits is over a new alien pet that would be rivals for Grundos? Some American company could have stolen their original design and made something like
this. Terrifying isn't it. Taking this a step further. What if the time travelers came back, stole some of their ideas and sold them, furter back in the past, to the Japanese? We could be missing pets like
this or
this! Those are really cute designs, and we could be feeding them omelettes and teaching them how to battle Grarrls right now if only time traveling aliens didn't interfere with our history. So I guess the moral is, if some strange looking person in a silver jumpsuit offers you the designs for the next big thing, preseve the timeline and just say no.
Good night and good luck
Set by Cukupan
Ohayo Nippon every Sunday at
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I'm on a boat like a boss