Today's random theme has been dedicated to that awesomely fun, cold stuff - SNOW!!!
New Game!!! - An all-out snowball war has broken out on Terror Mountain! Can you take down your opponents quick enough in Snowball Fight?
Pookie the Snow Spyder would be quite pleased if you'd visit the Petpet Spotlight to lend him a hand... or a leg if you can spare one.
These snowflakes may look all prettified and cute, but they should not be underestimated lest you want to end up a big loser in the Battledome!
A new Snow Shop Blog is available for you to use. Warning: Neopets is not responsible for melted snow blogs caused by summer use.
If you'd like an opinion on Neopets merchandise before you buy, a trip to the recently updated Testimonials page might come in handy.
Ahhhh! Flee from the Rainbow Pool! This new Snow Chomby may... fling some snow in your general direction. Well that's not so bad actually.
There is a new Mystery Pic competition. The answer to the last one was the Words of Antiquity Header. 564 people guessed the correct answer, earning 3,547 NP each.
These new snowballs are sure to be a HIT in the battledome. Wait, what? Well, they're fun to throw at other Neopets in any case.
Cowboyn's Meridell Castle Spotlight level requires some fast fingers and quick thinking, but the payoff is worth it.
Wow, looks like the Haunted Woods had a little snow last night in the new Caption Contest image.
Let It Snow, the latest Gallery Spotlight, proves that jenngranger is certainly in a wintery mood.
The Gangee, Gremble, Arkmite, and Baby Fireball can all now be painted snow. Be sure to store them in a cold, dry place.
Starflighter_'s snowy Petpet themed lookup has just won her the User Lookup of the Week!
There is a new Desktop Background based on our newest game!
We just wanted to let everyone know that were working on some of the HTML filters for the code that you can submit to your shops, User Lookups, guilds, etc. If you see anything out of the ordinary, this is probably why, and problems that persist for more than a few days can be reported by clicking here.
If it's snowing in your Neogarden, you may want to add one of these new Snow Sculptures as a fitting decoration.
Kyuubi made me this totally awesome set!!
<3 Kyuubi!