I'm completely unsure where this goes as it fits at least two topics. Sure it's a console game, but it's heavily neopets based (and applies to the next plot it seems). I'm also not sure if there's already a topic about this yet. I tried looking and saw nothing. Please delete this and direct me that way if there is. Just please don't yell at me as I tried.
One last thing,
WARNING: This is MORE than likely littered with spoilers for the plot and the like. Don't want it spoiled? Then don't read past the line. I will not be held responsible for your inability to control your own curiosity.
After a bit of convincing a friend talked me into getting the game. It was pretty darn expensive too (42$ plus change with tax). But it's okay because I have a job. The card it came with was a Roberta promo-no guarantees from me that everyone gets that.
Anywho, at first I was rolling my eyes at the intro. It seemed immensely lame even with that voice actress's lovely narrating. I couldn't help but shrink and blush the moment she said, "Neopia" for that matter. But boy, was this intro deeply deceiving.
My Personal Reveiw--------------------------------------------------------------
Sure, the game lacks well-done graphics. But that actually adds to the charm. The CG movies remind me of claymation every time. Also, because of the simplicity the game runs quite smoothly mostly(it freezes sometimes when I'm walking from one area to the next because for whatever reason it has trouble loading the map).
The voice acting is god aweful. Like... two sets of voice actors, ones that do the CG movies and another set for the sounds the characters make when you talk to them. So a character is deep throated one minute then high-pitched and of the opposite gender the next (yes, you can seriously tell XD). BUT, you'd think this would be a bad thing wouldn't you? It's not! It's like watching a really REALLY bad B-movie. It's so bad it's good. I still laugh thinking about the random sounds the characters make.
To top all this off, the plot and gameplay from what I've experienced sucks you in... I toss and turn in my sleep while thinking about how to beat a certain "quest" I'm on and with no walkthroughs yet as far as I am(as far as I can tell), I have no choice in the matter either. Few games get this power over me and when they do it's just pathetic. XP
My only beef with the game is the blaiant Zelda inspiration to the gameplay.
But I'll just ignore it because most games rip on each others at least a little these days. *cough*NearlyeveryrpgusesFF'ssystem*cough*
Onto the Game-------------------------------------------------------------------
There's SO much to talk about with the game, I'm as far as the swamp in chapter 3. I honestly have no clue where to start so if anyone was thinking of getting the game just ask me something, untill then I'm just going to mention a few things I've noticed.
The darkest faerie has TWO amulets. One that she wore as a stone and another that she wears for the rest of the time which looks embedded in her chest. This amulet(stone?) can be seen on the manual(which was VERY nicely done by the way) and looks almost like an insect.
The game goes abruptly from bad guys you can beat if you try hard enough - to bad guys that you HAVE to run from or you'll be massacred. I really don't like that... but there's no shame in running for your life as one of the characters will tell you. I think it was meant to be like that really. But it's seriously not fun screaming every two minutes when you get swarmed by black knights.
I LOVE the buried treasure aspect of the game, gives you something benefecial to do if you really don't feel like advancing yet and got all your quests done.
"Tainted" pets have only fully made one appearance yet and the strange thing is they claim to of been cured of the darkest faeries spell by some "hero". The other pets that are actually under her controll look like they normally would except for their eyes(see that one TCG with Skarl waiting on the darkest faerie). Chances of this becoming an actual pet color on neopets is next to none since they look almost identacle to darigan pets (I thought those in the swamp WERE darigan untill they were talking about the curse and stoof
There's only a handfull of items and motes, it's VERY easy to get everything even without trying too hard.
There's a glitch in this one part where you're climbing a specific ladder and as you reach the top it shows you fall then bounce back up... well, hard to explain it but trust me you'll see it when you're hunting down the Ixi Raiders. Sometimes I wonder if it was even a good deed to do such a thing once you read the books on them. :/
You'll hear a LOT about the "new world" in chapter three. Honestly, I hope it makes a complete appearance in the game, but I doubt we'll get to explore it at all since it isn't anywhere in the manual map (then again, neither was faerieland and Roberta started off there). *crosses fingers hopefully*
The TCG set gave away a LOT of the plot, believe it or not. Even the gelert assassin says EXACTLY what his card says. Hehe.
A Little Help-----------------------------------------------------------------------
Got the game but not far along as I am? Need help with something? Just ask... Me on the other hand. If you're farther along, I could use a little help. I'm trying to find the other two berries to make the cure and can't seem to. I have an idea I haven't tried out yet, but it'd still be nice to know before I kill Tormund for the umpteenth time like with all my other hair-brained ideas XD My "idea" is there's a sinkhole I'm missing that leads to one of the two tunnels I can't seem to reach through the underground. I wonder what that swamp snake monster will look like beyond the ragged fin... mabey they'll be Adriake's friend if I don't slay them first. Hee XD