5th January
* We just wanted to let everyone know that we have absolutely nothing at all special planned for tomorrow's news. Nope! It's just regular ol' news tomorrow. Just thought you'd like to know. *shifty eyes*
* This week's PPL award has been given to the Surzard for being totally awesome. Well done Aquaro, Finn, Sharkbait, Squiggle, and all the others.
* Autbum should be very proud of her Plushie Kau, Tawd, for winning the latest Site Spotlight award! If she's not, shame on her.
* Roses are red, violets are blue.
Some poems don't rhyme, but this one... do.
Oh for crying out loud! Just go look at the new page of Poems, would ya?
* If you like Starry Scorchios, these new treats are perfect for you. If you don't like Starry Scorchios, WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU!?
* littleboyblue912 has just won herself the Neoadventure Spotlight with The Darkest Faerie's Revenge.
You stand up, brush the dirt off your clothes, and walk towards the crowd. You try to push your way through to the middle, but there are just too many Neopets in your way. You tap a Tuskaninny on the shoulder and ask him what's going on. The Tuskaninny stares at you, wide-eyed. He looks you up and down, puzzled. Suddenly, his face becomes rock-hard and he yells, "It's her! She's the one who did it!"
* These Ogrin images appear to be quite fun. Hence, we call them Fun Images. We just made that up.
* Snowball Fight is this week's Better Than You game, but it will prove quite impossible to beat Taelia in her own element.
* A new Lenny Conundrum competition has begun. The answer to last week's was Year 8. 21 people guessed the correct answer earning themselves 95,239 NP each. Well done!
* EEK! What are these things?! If we were you, we'd keep your Petpets far, far away from them. Especially the one on the left. It looks quite deadly, don't you think? *shudder*
* Everyone congratulate x_rock__angel_x for winning the Pirate Cave Of The Week. Can you beat the Ultimate Challenge of ultimate destiny?
* A new Random Contest has just begun. This one will also be lasting two weeks since it will take a bit more effort than usual.

Congratulations to all the winners of last week's contest!
* Issue #14 of the official Neopets Magazine is now on sale! This issue is chock-full of tips to help you get through The Darkest Faerie for PS2, as well as other helpful guides, interesting stories, and more.
* A new Kacheek Seek is available for your Neopet to hide in. We're told it's quite difficult so be sure not to lose your Neopet for good.
* Four new Aisha treats are now available, just because we felt like it. We're not trying to make up for a small mishap that may have occurred with some Aisha Day treats or anything like that. Nope, not at all. MOVE ALONG.
Whats with the "nothing will happen tomorrow" post? Does that mean the LDP awards are gonna finally come out?