21st October - Symol Day!
* To start off Symol day, there are lots of new pictures for you to enjoy in the Art Gallery.
* If your Petpet is lucky, they might return from the Symol Hole with one of several new prizes.
* A new Symol Background is available for download. So this is what Symols do while hiding out underground!
* A whole slew of Symole Poems are now available for you to read.
* There is a new Mystery Pic competition. The answer to the last one was the Roo Island Merry Go Round Blog. 590 people got it correct earning them each 3,390 NP.
* Can you figure out the trick to this Symol avatar?
* This new Shop Blog should be just the thing to help display your Symol collections.
* Symols can now be painted Starry, Black, Island and Rainbow at the Petpet Puddle!
* Hanna and the Pirate Caves has just been updated with an Options menu. You now have the option to turn the sound effects off and on and there is also an option to disable the background in the game, which will be helpful if you have a slower computer.
* A new issue of the Neopian Times has been released. Keep your eyes open for great stories and adventures like Don't Eat Sloth's Fish! and Eating Your Neopoints.
* Elli317's Neohome, located at 84755 Earth Faerie Close in Faerieland, has just earned her the latest Neohome Spotlight award.
* The latest Pet Spotlight goes to robandlenanavy and her Poogle, poogley11893.
* A new round of the Beauty Contest is about to begin.
* It appears the Citadel is having some problems with a Symol infestation in the latest Caption Contest.
* There are now three new Shopkeepers available for Symol fans.
* Since our contest server went a bit wacky and was claiming that people had already entered when they hadn't, we're extending the Random Contest another week. Get those entries in!