Cerise wrote:
I have an account that's 52 months old, and I naïvely created it in homage to a favorite band of mine with a questionable name. I have written in the lookup that the account name isnt meant as offensive, and that even the band itself wasnt being blatantly inappropriate when they decided to call themselves what they did.
I have painted pets, including a Poogle, on that account that I really would like to take care of, but Im afraid to log on in case it brings it to someone's attention that the account exists, and they freeze it. After 52 months of it being there without a problem, I really dont think it would be too fair if they froze it, but Ive seen it happen to friends.
Id love to transfer my pets to a different spare account, but Im terrified to do pet transfers in case I lost one in the process. Especially since I dont have a fast internet connection at all. Im not attached to the account in the least, only the pets inside. Is there any way writing a letter or an email to the TNT staff could solve this, or am I doomed because of my stupidity when I was a mere 14 year old?
Any better suggestions as to what I should do?
Without knowing your username, it is hard to say, but I have a friend whose username includes the words sexybody and she's still an active member after like 3 years or something. I imagine that as long as you keep your head down and keep the explanation on your user lookup you should be allright.