I've got a silly question ... that is half Neopets related ... and half just web browser related.
I now have the Premium functionality of Neopets. I am really enjoying the portal page.
My question, though, is this: I use Netscape (7.2) as a browser. On the portal page, there is a preference where you can choose whether or not when you click a link ... it will open in a new window or not.
I can't stand having new windows pop up all the time when I click links ... so I chose to have them open in the same tab/window. So when I click on links in the portal page ... they do indeed open in the same tab/window.
My problem (bear with me ... sorry this is long winded) ... is when I am on the Neopets side of things ... and I click on the "portal" link on the top there (right next to my neopoints) ... it opens the portal in a new window ... not in the same tab/window.
The absolulely crazy thing, though ... is if I am on a second different computer I have ... the link does indeed just openin the same window.
Obviously, this is just some setting I have set differently in my 2 different Web Browsers (again, both are Netscape 7.2) ... but I can't seem to find what the difference might be.
Anyone else ever have a problem like this?
P.S. Further information is this: In the source code ... the portal link from neopets looks like this ...
<a href="http://www.neopets.com/portal" target="_blank" class="tl">Portal</a></td>
I don't know HTML that well ... but isn't that saying to open the link in a new window? How am I somehow forcing netscape not to open it into a new window on the second computer?