Roanna_np wrote:
She also had the story of the disrupted pound transfer proudly on her web page. ..... The former owner has not dared to write me.
Gee, I wonder why. You put on your own pets page how you snatched her from the pound when you suspect someone else was wanting her and you think the original owner might write to you thinking you're nice and might try and give it back? I think not. Besides which it sounds to me like that pet was put in the pound for everyone to grab, tonus are not high in demand at all given how often you can create them and if I labbed a lab pet into a tonu I'd give it away as well.
Unfortunately there will always be people who will claim a pet is theirs in the hope they'll be able to scam you but if it is their pet they will be able to prove it with info only they could know - what books the pet has read, what their faerie skills are etc. And it's usually fairly easy to spot pound sitter/sniper accounts. I know that if I got any colour of pet, from red to faerie to darigan from the pound and someone had proof that the pet was theirs I would do all I could to get it back to them. After all if I want a similar pet so badly then I can save myself for it like they did or wait for my labs to get it like they did. But then I don't look for pets like that in the pound anyway, I get nicely named ones that sit there for ages and let the mutant and darigan pets pass by.