For a while it was only neopets that was not loading. I was on the avatar chat where someone was supposidly lending away a faerie queen doll for free. (probably a joke
but I was going to wait and see if she would mention my screen name to neomail her. I posted if she wanted to lend it to me, go ahead, if not that's fine. I would not steal it and would record her username in case the browser did crash.
I refreshed, and it held there with the spinny thing on the tab (a feature in safari that lets you know the page is loading) and it stuck there. I refreshed other pages within neopets, and found those too froze. I refreshed a page outside neopets and that worked. But I refreshed a few other times and eventually everything hung, so I quit safari and went back in.
Neopets worked, but unfortunatly the topic had dissappeared. i assume it exceeded the max of replies like any of the other so called "freebie boards"
I found a few other people on the boards had problem with their internet dying on them at the same time, so maybe something did happen.