Morningstar wrote:
So, I guess what I have to ask you is whether your petpets still give you a thrill. I mean: do you get excited when you are finally able to snag one you have wanted for awhile--or has it just become a "job" that bores you to tears?
It's mostly become a job rather than something fun. I've bought a few buyable unbuyable petpets recently which have saved me a lot of money but they gave me no thrill what so ever as the petpets themselves didn't excite me. On the other hand I have snagged a couple recently that I really like and that got me really excited - but there are few petpets left out there that I really like, amongst a lot more that I don't especially care for.
Morningstar wrote:
It is a hard decision to make. But, my guess is that, deep down inside, you already know what you want to do.
Yeah, I think really I knew what I wanted to do - I just needed that extra shove, heh. I've been collecting for 10 months, my entire time on neo and while I used to have fun collecting any and every petpet it just isn't fun anymore. There are still a few out there I love but I already have most of my favourite petpets. So I'm gonna sell the ones I have that I don't like
Once I'd made that decision I got really happy and excited thinking what I can do next so I'm sure it's the right decision, especially after I went through my collection and realised I only like a third of it!
From now on I'm not going to collect a certain kind of item, I'm just going to collect things I like - cute petpets, toys, petpetpets, some painted petpets even. And neopets has just become a lot more fun again
Thanks for all the input everyone, it's very much appreciated =)