Don't trust older accounts just because they're older. Scammers that scam people will usually use the account they have just taken to scam others
Don't trust ridiciously low priced items in usershops. They can either link to cookie grabbers or fake login pages, or the user can switch the prices to a similar looking price between the time in which you see the price and the time in which you enter the store.
Don't trust images that people link to. If it is on a site but there is no image then you could be linked to a 404 page which can easily have a cookie grabber on it
Dont give out your word no matter who asks. Even if the account theneopetsteam mails you asking for your word. Neopets has every user's word saved in a seperate server, they'll never need to ask for your word in any manner or form
People on AIM/MSN etc are not staff. Ever.
One that tricks a lot of people that see it is a domain masker. It makes the URL on the page appear to be Usually this is coupled with a fake login page. Never log in on any address except If you are browsing the site while not logged in and you need to log in to view a page, go specifically to the neopets log in page URL and then log in. Smart scammers can make pages appear to be when they're not, but they can't add anything other than that.
Do not give out your Email address for the account that your word is sent to. People can get into those with your secret question on Hotmail accounts etc. If they can't work the answer out themselves they'll say things like :
"Crud! I'm supposed to have done my homework by now. I had to interview somebody about (). So can you tell me ()"
Do what I do, I have an Email address for my personal life. One for my Neopets email and one that I give to people that want my email address from PPT/Neopets etc