I said about this earlier in another topic long time ago, but I thought I could make an own topic for it now
Some time ago I started doing quests(like snow faerie or esophagor, not talking about the faerie quests). I hadn't accepted any quests for a long time before.
And I noticed that I started to get more random events! Even if I didn't bring the items.
Earlier I got like 1 RE once a month, very rarely, though I spent as much time on Neopets as I do now. And these days I get at least 1 event every single day!
Yesterday I found 1000000(erm no, minus 5 zeros) and a codestone. Today I already have found an "amazing lenny cracker"(and a "merry christmas!" with it oO; ).. and some bugs stole an amazing 26 nps from me.
Has anyone else noticed any kind of increase of REs when they started to do quests? Or have other things made you get more REs?
<img src="http://www.geocities.com/annilaurila/nottired.gif"> <img src="http://www.geocities.com/annilaurila/kadoatery.gif">