Morningstar wrote:
galonski64 wrote:
The add are only at the top so they are not a bother at all. geee, it a very tiny price to pay to have great service from neopet. Also from PPT.
Actually, they are quite a bother. They leave cookie crumbs all over my computer and huge temp files. If I don't delete my temp files and cookies about every hour, I get a very slow-loading computer. And, there has been many a time when my page freezes up altogether and my only option is to close that window and open a new one. Which, at times, can be a royal pain in the patoot. And, twice I have gotten a pop-up while on Neopets that came from one of the advertisers at the top. And, I know it was from Neopets because I run McAfee, Ada-Ware, and Pest Patrol before and after I go to the Neopets site.
I don't mind the ads and realize that you need ads to run the website, but I don't like the fact that they leave their "droppings" everywhere.
I agree with that, Im fed up with having to delete my cookies and clear my cache so much because it takes 5 minutes for a page to load!
I can block the ads if I want to, but it seems I can't do anything to prevent them from installing what ever they like on my computer. I probably wouldnt even bother blocking the ads if they were all family friendly, I know that you only get the more questionable ads on an 'adult' account but I still have 2 kids in my house who can see those ads whenever I am on Neopets, even if they don't get it on their accounts.