Directly imported from the restocking help thread:
Eliv Thade Items
Grundo Stix
Candy Skull
all Lint items
Brain Ice Cream
Pumpkin Ice Cream
Haunted Milk
Gummi Worms
Mouldy Cheese
The Stuff
Parts on a Pizza
Snorkle Snout
Meerca Pie
Quiggle Pie
Runny Snot
Crunchy Snotball
Wing of Korbat
Snorkle Pudding
Pumpkin Scoopings
Jelly Spider Eye Ball
Apple Lantern
Halloween Candy Cane
Coco Pumpkin
Jelly Finger
Spoooky Muffin
Hair Stuffed Maggot
Chocolate Coated Eye
Spooky Ghostbeef
Bat Kebab
Spooky Jelly Brains
Bogie Berry
There are more, but I'm too lazy.... if you have the time, check for the spooky foods list, search every food on the wiz and make a note. Then just memorize the list of good items (works for every shop)