I think its high time that Neopets stopped doing things because they're convenient for the United States and ignoring the rest of the world.
Let's look at the new LC, shall we?
There was a steel beam 50 feet long. The entire Skeith construction crew (total weight: 6000 pounds) was standing at the center of the beam. Assume the modulus of elasticity is 29,000,000 pounds per square inch, the moment of inertia is 850 inches^4, the beam has simple pin connections at either end, and all loads other than the weight of the crew are disregarded.
Most of you probably see where I'm going with this.
At last check there were 3 countries that had not officially converted to the metric system: Liberia, Myanmar and -guess who?- the United States of My-Way-Or-The-Highwamerica.
Now, I'm may be a little rusty on the real stats, but I don't think that there were many Myanmarian or Liberians on Neopets, so I think its safe to assume that we're mostly being influenced by the other guy.
We can all see that in real life, other countries don't always get a fair shake. But hey, you didn't really want to buy that merchandise anyways, did you? The fact is, the US isn't the only country participating in this game and unless Neopets stops ostracizing every single country and starts building solid fanbases there, they are going to find themselves in the "dumb fad" column before too long.