It IS confusing! Many of us has repeatedly asked for a complete terms and conditions, or a faq page with everything listed as a "Do" and a "Don't", kind of like the Chat Rules - those are so much clearer than the T&C.
What's alot of np? Well, I've sent 50k at one time (the most I've sent), but that was for 2 shop upgrades and enough left over to send my gallery pets to the neolodge for a few days' holiday with some extras (yes I do spoil my pets
I do know someone who was "chain" frozen for trying to send np to another account, but they were trying to send millions doing the 800k max via the TP and did that more than once a day. I'd never send that much - makes it look like you've either been scammed, are a scammer and stealing from the account or you're trying to "hoard" or the ever truly confusing "earning np on multiple accounts".
I do have a lab account (I'm nuts, I admit) - just about all I do is adopt, heal, feed, zap until a pet turns into something cool then put in the pound and start over. I use the send to neofriend to send omelettes and jellies I've bought on my main account to that account. When the bank starts to run low (adoption fees), I have a small shop and I'll just sell one or two things - enough to get me through a few adoptions.
I'm in kind of the opposite situation at the moment. I have my main and my gallery. Bought everything in my gallery on my main and sent it over. Now I want to change the gallery some. Doing that means some things are coming out, other things need buying. Now, some of the things if I sell what I don't want I can buy the new items on the gallery account (from user shops or tp).
But what's left after that are not cheap items (a few pb) that I'd like to send BACK to my main (where they were bought) and use them to help trade for some decent bd equipment - not to sell to have a huge bank account (that'll never happen!). I don't know if I CAN send anything expensive (to me that's anything worth over 100k) from my gallery back to my main without getting in trouble.