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PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 11:25 pm 
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Daze wrote:
There only purpose is so no-one can have a painted pet unless they earn it. Who is anyone to judge who can have what pet?

TNT is. And apparently they're all right with it.

Daze wrote:
TNT put the pound there for the very reason of adopting pets - whether they are painted or unpainted and for a group of users to backseat mod about the pets is wrong.

Think about what labbing does. It's basically the same, only reversed. If someonly really likes a Red Lupe, who are labbers to take it out and change it to something else? Yes, you can just create a Red Lupe yourself, but then again you can also get the pet of your dreams yourself. Labbers are the same kind of 'backseat mods' as GUPs, only nobody complaints about labbers, since they produce 'better' colors (meaning colors you can't normally get unless you work for it yourself, even the lab ray has to be purchased).

cleo_brimstone wrote:
do people think this is going to be a long term thing? i feel this will be big news for a few months but then die down to a few random painted pets being changed to green uni's.

The people jumping on the bandwagon will probably stop soon. But the people who started this idea have done it for a long time and will probably continue to do it, it probably gives them a sense of fulfillment


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PostPosted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 2:45 am 

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I hope this isn't inappropriate because it is true, but the GUP has the same concept of Nazism, which is make everybody (In this case, all the neopets) look the same. With Nazism it was blonde hair with blue eyes, for the GUP it's a Green Uni. I am in no way saying this organization is bad because I actually like the fact that neopians are finally incorporating a realistic, almost political issue into the game, nor can I say it's good because the entire ecnomy of neopets could immediately crash, inflating the price of potions and paintbrushes and lowering the value of the neopoint. I can see how this may seem like a fad now, but the fate of neopets will be depending on what efforts are taken in order to stop/support this group.

Welcome to real life.

To Moderators and Administrators:

I am sorry if you feel I used Nazism in an inappropriate manner. I strictly made sure I didn't bring religous aspects of Nazism into the forum, but rather historical facts of the ethics of a German group that fought on the Axis side in WWII.

You may delete or edit this post as you please as for I wasn't sure if I was allowed to say this. I am sorry for any abusive manner because I couldn't find anything about Nazism or such in the rules. Also, if this section of the post isn't neccessary, please delete it.

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 9:06 am 
Beyond Godly
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TNT is. And apparently they're all right with it.

First up, TNT are not making the decison but are allowing it. TNT are not saying we can't adopt painted pets but they wont stop those who are physically trying to stop those who do.

Think about what labbing does. It's basically the same, only reversed. If someonly really likes a Red Lupe, who are labbers to take it out and change it to something else? Yes, you can just create a Red Lupe yourself, but then again you can also get the pet of your dreams yourself.

Well then, it is not the same - nowhere near it. You can create a common pet (as you said). Once again, it is not the action but the intent behind it. Those who are painting/labbing pets and then putting them in the pound aren't doing it to spite anyone or to stop anyone have a common pet.

Labbers are the same kind of 'backseat mods' as GUPs, only nobody complaints about labbers, since they produce 'better' colors (meaning colors you can't normally get unless you work for it yourself, even the lab ray has to be purchased).

No, you missed the point completely. GUP are turning pets to green unis, so no-one can adopt a painted pet, because in their opinion you should 'earn' it.

Labbers are using the lab to create a more wanted pet for their enjoyment of the enjoyment of others - no-one is saying you can't have an unpainted pet or that all unpainted pets are going to be labbed or painted.

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 4:08 pm 
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Just wanted to sound off on this issue. I would have reacted exactly the same way as TNT.

Anyone can play the game enough to earn, or lab, or somehow get their dream pet, so I don't agree that it's important to have the pound as a forum for people to skip the work.

If you want to lab a pet and put it in for other people to get and make them happy, great, I am not dissing that at all - but you're not going to guarantee that the person who gets it is going to even appreciate it. The person who gets it could already be a millionaire that just wants to get one the easy way - using the money YOU spent on a lab map. They could be a scammer who is trying to fill up their account with aged and painted pets in an attempt to gain credibility. Or, it could be just the right kind of person you were trying to reach and make happy. But the point is, just because your intentions are good, doesn't mean that it will work out all warm and fuzzy.

And I think the GUP is working on that assumption- that most of the time the painted pets are attracting malicious users or ones who are willing to let someone else do the work for them.

And to those who say real world rules don't apply, that morals shouldn't be applied to the online fake world... i'm sure you are the same people screaming foul when someone breaking the rules affects you negatively or allows them to get something you couldn't get.

Furthermore, to the argument that TNT is being ridiculous by saying it's not very nice to pound a pet in the first place... Look. Neopets is a online flash game site. Sometimes they also institute long-term puzzle games (aka plots). The pets, and everything that goes with them, is an excuse to get you to play the games. Painting pets, feeding them, playing with them, all of it is made up, and it exists only to give you some nominal motivation/justification for playing the games. It also provides easy ways to add content for the games (characters, backstories, visuals, etc).

If they didn't have the pets, it wouldn't be neopets, it would be Which I wouldn't have a problem with, by the way! But if the basis of your online world is having pets to feed/play with/take care of, then the rest of your online world has to be connected to that.

jon0513, congrats for proving godwin's law, and for completely misunderstanding why the GUPers are morphing the pets. they aren't doing it because they want pets to be green unis, they are doing it because they don't want people to get painted pets for free off someone else's hard work.

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 4:09 pm 
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Although I think the GUP's intent is both pointless and impossible to achieve, I don't think what they are doing is unfair, and so I don't have a problem with it.

The Pound system does not recognize intent. It does not matter whether you are intending to transfer a pet to yourself, give a pet to another person, or give a painted pet to a random but hopefully loving new home. The moment that pet enters the Pound, it belongs to no one and no one has a specific right to it.

If I think of the Pound as a sort of general resource of painted pets for the neopian community, something that belongs to everyone, then yes, what GUP is doing is wrong - they are taking away other people's chance to get a painted pet.

However, I feel the Pound doesn't belong to everyone, it belongs to no one. You do have a chance to adopt a painted pet from the Pound, but you do not have a right to this chance or any guarantee that this opportunity will continue. Some users feel that GUP is being unfair because GUP is taking away "their" chance of adopting a painted pet, but as this chance belongs to no one, GUP's actions are not infringing on other players' rights.

I am curious to see if they will succeed, and if so how much. After all, pet adoption agencies and the increasingly popular and complex world of petpage applications also began as a fad like this. And they were also controversial at first. In fact, I remember an editorial in which TNT stated that petpage applications were not allowed because, just like exchanging a pet for nps or items, it was asking someone to pay with time and work for a pet. However, it seems quite clear that TNT's position on this has turned entirely around. There are currently tons of up-for-adoption pets whose owners, both on and off-site, ask for time-consuming and elaborate applications involving art, pages, and lookups dedicated to the pet. As far as I know, TNT is okay with this practice, has not punished anyone for doing it or actively discouraged people from doing it. And for the most part neopian users don't mind it either. So it is possible, though not very likely, that GUP could grow into an accepted practice as well. Those owners having people compete for the privilege of adopting their pet claim to want only to make sure of the pet's future welfare; GUPers claim to want only to make sure that people earn their pets. Pssh, I say. I think it's quite clear that both these trends derive from desire for a new way to get entertainment out of this game. And if adopt-outers (geez, I need a better term for this) and GUPers find enjoyment in these pursuits, well, good for them. It's no skin off my back, as the saying goes. ;)

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 5:40 pm 
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Daze wrote:
First up, TNT are not making the decison but are allowing it. TNT are not saying we can't adopt painted pets but they wont stop those who are physically trying to stop those who do.


Well then, it is not the same - nowhere near it. You can create a common pet (as you said). Once again, it is not the action but the intent behind it. Those who are painting/labbing pets and then putting them in the pound aren't doing it to spite anyone or to stop anyone have a common pet.


No, you missed the point completely. GUP are turning pets to green unis, so no-one can adopt a painted pet, because in their opinion you should 'earn' it.
Labbers are using the lab to create a more wanted pet for their enjoyment of the enjoyment of others - no-one is saying you can't have an unpainted pet or that all unpainted pets are going to be labbed or painted.

I think you read over my points a little too quickly there and missed my points completely. You said Who is anyone to judge who can have what pet?. TNT created the pound accesible to everyone. As Zombie just mentioned, the pound itself does not have anything to do with intent. It's open for everybody, and people that say that GUP's should not be allowed to adopt pets are simply wrong.

Now let's move on to intent. GUP's intent is not to spite anyone or making everybody have a common pet (the pound is not the only way to get a painted pet). Their point is that people should work for their results. It's the basic principle of what 'work' means. If two people do absolutely nothing all day, one of them ends up in a cardboard box on the street and the other in a mansion, would you feel that this is fair? It might be an extreme example, but then again it's simply about the intent. Set aside all the 'spiting, playing god and unfairness' and stuff, the intent is: 'work for your pet'. If you can't agree with that, than discussion is simply impossible.


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PostPosted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 5:59 pm 
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Guys, while playing neopets, remember to enjoy the game! That's why you started playing it in the first place, right?

People who lab random pound pets into pretty painted pets do so because it makes them happy. That's great! They should have fun with it and enjoy the proccess. Of course, there's always the chance of snipers, but there are ways to minimize the risk.

People who adopt and morph painted pets do so because it makes them happy. Personally, I think it's a little silly, and more than a little pointless, but who am I to say how they should play the game? If they intentionally intercept a transfer in order to morph a pet, then they are being mean, and "wasting" somebody's lab time. However, the same could be said for somebody who makes a perfect application, adopts a painted pet, and then gets frozen for multiple accounts.

As for the people who are adopting green unis and labbing them into painted colours, they're having fun too, in an equally valid way.

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 6:32 pm 
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The chaos actually made me think "I should really think about investing in some of these potions..." but if you say you can get them from the wheel of excitement I guess it isn't worth it.

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 10:48 pm 
Beyond Godly
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the intent is: 'work for your pet'. If you can't agree with that, than discussion is simply impossible.

Where in the rules does it say you have to 'work' to get a painted pet?

Where does it say you are a better person for earning your pet?

It does say:
The Neopian Pound
Welcome to the Neopian Pound. This is where kind-hearted souls can find the perfect pet, often far smarter and much better behaved than the younger pets. Alternatively, cruel irresponsible owners can leave their unwanted pets and hope that someone will eventually come along and care for them.

Adopt a Pet
We've found some pets you can adopt! If you don't want any of the pets displayed below, press the 'Find a Neopet at Random' button below to show different pets until you find one you like.

If it was TNT's true intent to make eveyone 'work' for their painted pet, then there wouldn't be a pound. That is simple logic!

Both of my pets are painted by my own hand, but it is the training I have put into my battle pet that I am most proud of. I only chose a mutant draik because it is closest to a dragon.

I will not be dragged into real life scenerios - this is a game and we should all have the same chances as the next person. IF someone chooses to take advantage of the pound and get a painted pet then that is their choice. I know the same can be said of GUP, but it is not an individual deciding they like unis better, so decides to adopt a painted pet. GUP is a group who is changing the intent of the pound - they are taking all painted pets and changing the pets so others can't have them.

There is a difference between the two. I know TNT are allowing it - probably because they have no way of stopping it. But GUP is still causing an unfairness by their actions.

That is my whole disagreement. A group of people are taking away fair chance of adopting a painted pet that TNT put in place. TNT have never stipulated you had to work for your pet. Why should we be happy that a group of users are now deciding that we do?

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 11:21 pm 
Beyond Godly
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Daze wrote:
If it was TNT's true intent to make eveyone 'work' for their painted pet, then there wouldn't be a pound. That is simple logic!

Eh? Isn't the whole point of the game to earn Neopoints and use them on your pet? If you didn't have to work hard to paint your pet or raise it's stats or whatever, what would be the point of the game?

The pound is to get rid of unwanted pets. If someone wants to adopt that pet, good for them. But it's not the whole point of the pound.

If TNT's true intent wasn't to make everyone work for their painted pets, then they'd encourage scamming and begging. Obviously, if TNT are going to allow the GUP people to continue what they're doing, then I say we should all just relax and let them get on with it.

It's coming...

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 11:29 pm 
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Twinkle wrote:
Daze wrote:
If it was TNT's true intent to make eveyone 'work' for their painted pet, then there wouldn't be a pound. That is simple logic!

Eh? Isn't the whole point of the game to earn Neopoints and use them on your pet? If you didn't have to work hard to paint your pet or raise it's stats or whatever, what would be the point of the game?

The pound is to get rid of unwanted pets. If someone wants to adopt that pet, good for them. But it's not the whole point of the pound.

If TNT's true intent wasn't to make everyone work for their painted pets, then they'd encourage scamming and begging. Obviously, if TNT are going to allow the GUP people to continue what they're doing, then I say we should all just relax and let them get on with it.

Yes, but TNT have also said many times, how we play the game is an individual thing - there is no right or wrong way, but you must play within the rules and not do anything to interfere with the game play of others.

Scamming is wrong. Plain and simple. It is wrong in any situation. Begging is also not needed or allowed by TNT.

I disagree with TNT's decision. But I also admit they probably can't stop it anyway.

I am sure there are decisions made by TNT that you haven't agreed with. Even though TNT are the creators - Judge, Jury and Executioner of their site, it doesn't mean they are always right. :)

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 11:48 pm 
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Daze wrote:
IF someone chooses to take advantage of the pound and get a painted pet then that is their choice. I know the same can be said of GUP, but it is not an individual deciding they like unis better, so decides to adopt a painted pet. GUP is a group who is changing the intent of the pound - they are taking all painted pets and changing the pets so others can't have them.

The reason I am not bothered by GUP is because I don't believe that they have that kind of ability. There are probably millions of neopian players. Fostering and labbing is increasingly popular. There aren't enough GUPers to grab all pounded painted pets. My sis is a "foster parent" and I soon will be, once I save up some more. We do this even though we know that there have always been risks, and there always will be risks in transfers. GUP hasn't changed this, in any significant way. There just aren't enough of them.

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 24, 2007 2:10 am 
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I'm not worried about GUP changing the site as a whole. I agree that they don't have that kind of influence, and the fad will die off when the next big controversy comes along. What's upsetting to me is that TNT isn't bothered by this rather large group of people who make such mean-spirited, rude, petty judgements about other people and the way they play the game. It's been said over and over: who are these people to dictate what we do or don't deserve? The majority of them take painted pets out of the pound and neutralize them because, in their words, someone who didn't paint that pet him- or herself doesn't deserve to have it. I think that is completely offensive, and I'm surprised and disappointed that TNT doesn't care about how these people are treating the rest of us.


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PostPosted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 2:50 am 
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To discuss this at a different level...

I don't like it. It's the sort of thing that turns naive kindness into jaded cynicism.

But jaded cynics have the right to exist in Neopets, unfortunately. It's a nature of the MMORPG - one just has to hope that the kindly naive outnumber the jaded cynics enough, and thus far, I haven't seen anything to the contrary - it's only restricted to the pound! (and possibly the mayor from the Tale of Woe)

But if things get out of hand (i.e. conflict outside of just the pound), I hope there's a deus ex TNT to nudge things back towards cooperation, since Neopets is much more a cooperative PvE than an antagonistic PvP.

Ironically, I won a Green Uni Morphing Potion from the Wheel of Excitement after hearing about this. :/ I'm keeping it until this blows over.

~Habitual over-analyzer

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 3:26 am 
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Today, I saw someone posting about something called GULP: Green Uni Lab Project. If they find a pet being guped, they adopt it and lab it until its painted/ rare again. I thought it was kind of funny :)

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