pipsqueeek wrote:
Candycaneofdoom wrote:
pipsqueeek wrote:
Oh phooey. I wanted to join the dance club
Also: a WAY long time ago(like first couple of splits way long time ago), people were talking about altador being a composition of the roots for 'hight' and 'golden', but then were saying no, because gold would translate to 'au'. So- I don't think this really means anything, but though I'd put it down for the record, so if anyone cares, 'golden' in french is 'doré'.
Actually, I'm pretty sure that "gold' in French is "or," "d'or" with an article in front of it. Not that it has anything to do with anything, but whatever.
'Gold' is 'or', and 'golden' is 'd'or' or 'doré'. So we're both right
Ah, goldEN. Gotcha. Me and my selective reading...
polomoche wrote:
Is anyone else unable to get their star data to load?
When I try to open my star data, I get an empty page.
I've done all the steps, twice, and I still can't find the Dancer or get my star data to load. Anyone have an idea why?
And MAN is PPT ever slow tonight!
Try Ctrl-A to select the coords. Some people have said that their coords come up in white text.
And yes, PPT is laaaaaaagging like crazy! All the excitement of a new contellation is weighing the site down as people flock to the forums...