fredajones wrote:
Reference the first post of the topic, how can someone who uses the word "basically" in a sentence on its own and then again a couple of words later in the next, dare comment on other people's use of grammar and capitalisation and spelling?
Makes me laugh every time I see it.

Well let met see... that original post has been copy/pasted since I made it, so it's not Jas's mistake, it's mine. Ontop of this, we don't mean proper grammar, because if that was the case, most people here on PPT (staff included) would be up the river and in trouble. We just meant capitalization, spelling, no chat speak, that sort of thing. If you are unaware, the rampant neglect of capitalization and spelling not to mention the chatspeak that was going on in the first few threads merited such a post.
And I may become defensive over this, but mod staff make mistakes too. Not to mention, we all have lives outside of PPT, cut us some slack once in awhile. We're only human, and just like members of the forum, we make occasional mistakes too. So how about instead of laughing at us you have some respect for what we do. Mods work hard here on PPT, we try our best to do our jobs, and on occasion there may be minor mistakes such as that.
So if in the future you see a mistake such as the one in the begining of the thread, and you feel the need to announce it to the world, perhaps step back for a moment, and instead PM a moderator about it, rather then posting it on a thread in such a negative manner.
This discussion is now over in this thread. If you feel the need to reply, use the private messaging system.

Evisceration is a sign of respect.