Blissy wrote:
Legendary wrote:
Can anybody get a prize?
Only with the requirement of completeing the plot?
In an editorial they mentioned that they were keeping track on when people were finishing different objects. That leads me to believe that the prizes you get are based on how fast you completed the plot.
Everything we know about the "end of plot" prizes comes from the editorials; once again, here are the editorial quotes.
Issue: 205 | 26th day of Hiding, Y7
The scrolls are part of something special we are doing with this plot. Basically rather than just having a war to decide who gets what, there will be many puzzles, many fights and some other challenges for you to do in order to earn points. The scrolls may be used in that, just as a hint, if you see one, hold on to it. I can't tell you more than that as I have already given away a lot

Just keep checking new features.
Issue: 206 | 2nd day of Gathering, Y7
Donna, I have seen some people have Tyrannian army points, will you be having a Lost Desert army in this plot and if so, how will you get the points? - Lozandboo
This plot we are doing something different, you will not be able to choose sides, but you will earn points that can be redeemed for great prizes. One way will be through fighting, but that is just one of many...
Issue: 209 | 23rd day of Gathering, Y7
Are you going to release a sidebar with the Lost Desert Plot?
Erm… sidebar? What gave you that idea? Yes, we are hoping to! It's still in the works though, so no promises as of yet, but it is our intention to release one if we can. Shhh…
Issue: 210 | 30th day of Gathering, Y7
Because you have dedicated a WHOLE day to the Nightsteed is there going to be a nightsteed avatar?? OH PLEASE TNT there has to be a Nightsteed avatar. ~punk_rock_chick
Ohh, he *would* make a cool avatar, wouldn't he? Perhaps we didn't release one because we have other plans for an avatar with his likeness… *shifty eyes*
I live in England and I must say so far you've done a pretty good job of spacing things out so people on all timezones. I'd like to know how long this can go on; are there going to be parts where it's advantageous to be amongst the first to do something, and in particular will there be a prize at the end that there'sa race to get? ~ nerulean
We're trying.
Anyway, without giving too much away, we'll say that we are keeping track of every piece of the puzzle each person completes. There are certain stages where completing things first will earn you more points than someone who completed it much later, but in general, the more of the puzzle you complete as a whole, the greater the reward will be at the end.And an extra just because it talks about what comes next.

Issue: 207 | 9th day of Gathering, Y7
We've been to deserts and castles, mountains and islands, even underwater AND to the moon! For the next plot, do you think it would be possible to have something going in the Haunted Woods? That place is so cool, and I don't think we know enough about it yet. - Popuri__
After we have expanded on the plots featured in our PS2 and PSP games, the next location will be the Haunted Woods. Personally I think we can do a great deal with the woods and make it a great exciting story