sid_basu4243 wrote:
Can anybody please tell me what mode should I play to get a better chance of 1000 pts in Suteks tomb?
Like Sylence said, play the game on Hard since you get more points that way. I had trouble with it but remember to type in "pyramibread" if you can't find an available move. Also, don't relax yourself (or your mind rather). As soon as you see an available move, click and don't waste time. When the sand clock is low, type in "plzsutekcanihavemoretime" and you get 30 seconds added to your time.
Bat-LB wrote:
I have solved every Challenge except the 400 Points in Whack a Kass. Is there trick or hint what helps? I can't get it further then 340 Points ...
Sylence has good advice. What I'd add to this is after you hit Kass, hold down the space bar or mouse (whichever you used to hit him) DO NOT LET GO of the button until he is high in the air and when you see him about to drop, let go as he glides to the ground. Kass will bounce several times on the ground upon landing. Each time he makes contact, use either your mouse or space bar (I use space bar) and press it when Kass hits the ground. 3 bounces is average... I managed to make Kass bounce about 5 times at best. Good luck.