supRNurs wrote:
Cerise wrote:
Has anyone else tried the 'reset' theory thats on the boards? Where if you enter the repository, sans furniture, and click on a smeared chalk line that matches the last piece of furniture you put down, it will become unsmeared?
Ive tried this about 10 times while making my way to the Basement, and every time Im able to click a smeared circle three times, (since I had a lamp placed last) it unsmears :/ Usually Im only able to click twice, before getting the 'stolen' message. I cant see the pattern as to why sometimes I can click three times and see the unsmeared chalk line, and sometimes it doesnt work.
So, if I understand this right, on our way out of the repository, after placing a piece of furniture, we need to click on the blurry shapes of the piece we just placed to try to make them go back solid?
Yes, thats right. I was on my way in to check the theory when I tried it, not going out, if it matters. And I recently was just able to 'reset' a scroll rack, so Im doubting whether it needs to be the piece you just placed or not.
I think whether it works depends on when the item was last stolen. I reset a lamp area in the basement, then somebody put a lamp on it, and it was stolen a second later. When I went to re-reset the area, it wouldnt work and I got the 'stolen; message. Its still theory. Could be a big coincidence.