when i went and saw the prizes i wanted to cry.. i was one of the lucky ones who got a token, i got a grand total of 19 points, all those points were from quests.. since i'm not that good at flash games, and am currently in the first week of my uni exams.. and should technically be studying rather than grizzling about this but..
i felt the supporter prizes didn't reflect how much more difficult it was for us to earn points compared to the warriors. i'm going to buy the sidebar and thats about it. also i felt a little peeved that i only got to see what trophy i achieved just now, so i've actually overshot on the one i wanted, went a little to far and got the next one up..
(19 points)
(Rank 2)
rank 2??? i kept most of my nps in a spare account as my kadoatie fund for my gallery, i've almost emptied it too... my quests averaged 70-80k overall
and maybe we are annoyed, angry and hghly peeved, but i think there is also some good reasons as to why people are annoyed. NEVER again will i do support. i could have gotten so many points with my current lab rat who has the most rounded stats, and the weapons i had.
i'm not rubbishing the plot though, it was pretty good, and i LOVED the artwork, its getting better every time, but it was just the system and the prizes which needed a little more consideration.
If you see my sanity, get it to give me a call.