There was this one time when I first started and I was trying to log in to Neopets. My password wouldn't work. And I tried over and over as well as other variations of my password, but I still wouldn't log in. So I tried to retrieve my password by having it emailed to me, but I couldn't log into my email account either. I freaked thinking some REALLY GOOD hacker had gotten hold my entire account as well as my emails and such. I
almost created a new account, but when I typed in my supposed "username" that I wanted...'d probably guessed it by now...I had CAPS LOCK on.
Then there was this other time when I got my new Usul and I wanted to paint it Strawberry. I even named it Cute_lil_Merry_Berry. So I saved up for a Strawberry paintbrush and eventually bought it and painted my Usul. A few weeks later, I decided I liked Flotsams better because I like underwater-themed stuff. So I abandoned my newly painted Usul for a blue Flotsam because the color was very close to my favorite color violet. I checked for my Usul a week later and found that she had been adopted and the owner had painted it skunk!!
But I checked on my Usul just the other day, and now she's back to Strawberry. That lucky lucky Usul...being painted so many times...
(And I did all that books disappearing, clothes not being worn, makeup not working, numbers in names, and estimated pricing stuff too)