Okay, so here's what I've figured out of point values for each thing so far:
Found Nuria Statue
Worthless!! (total 0)
Understood Library Scroll
Worthless??? (total 0)
Found First Parchment (Pyramids)
1000 points (total 1000)
Found Second Parchment (Snow Wars)
3000 points? (total 4000)
Found Third Parchment (Poogle Racing)
1250 points (total 5250)
Found Fourth Parchment (Underwater Fishing)
??? (this and next total to 2450)
Found Fifth Parchment (Potato Counter)
??? (this and previous total to 2450) (total 7700)
Found sixth parchment (Wheel of Mediocrity)
1200 points (total 8900)
Found Seventh Parchment (Lever of Doom)
1500 points (total 10400)
Found Eighth Parchment (Kreludan Mining Corp.)
Found Ninth Parchment (Deckball Tournament)
Found Tenth Parchment (Tiki Tour)
Found Eleventh Parchment (Fetch!)
Found Twelfth Parchment (Wishing Well)
Completed Sakhmetian Tablet
Completed Sakhmetian Hieroglyph Click Sequence
Spoke First Prophecy - Pile of Scarabs!
1000 points
Gained Access to the Scroll Repository
Acquired First Useless Crystal
1000 points
Read First Scroll Sequence
Acquired Second Useless Crystal
Read Second Scroll Sequence
Acquired Third Useless Crystal
Read Third Scroll Sequence
Acquired Fourth Useless Crystal
Acquired Mysterious Scroll
Translated Qasalan Tablet
Completed Qasalan Hieroglyph Click Sequence (Fake)
Spoke "Fake" Second Prophecy - Mountain of Scarabs!
Completed Qasalan Hieroglyph Click Sequence (Real)
Spoke Final Prophecy - Weapon Selection!
Defeated Razul - Sakhmet Saved!
Moving Sand
Worthless! (You got items from it anyway)
Moving Blocks
Worthless! (You got items from it anyway)
Moving Furniture
Defeating Spirit of the Ruins
Defeating Scodrax
Obviously, all these are tentative and not final, but I'm relatively sure they're correct. I'll update this post with more as I find them, instead of reposting.
Also, if anyone else wants to look through, here's a big list of usernames that
didn't get 179,300 or 189,300, and are actually
haimoku 1000
wolven_girl123 1000
grundo_freak626 1000
gp6th 1000
kokopelli606 1000
medjai_chieftan 2000
abdoolseven 4000
molly4738 4000
avantikiwi 5250
elbereth1992 5250
wwwdotjuliedotcom 5250
rhazya 5250
forgotten_hate 7700
lab_master94 8900
gilly_rainbow5 10400
cranberry4738 10400
lily__ 21800
qeenoneo 21800
arh130tx 22800
mzshyfirebirdrb 22800
mistressoftheglade 22800
erinjade86 23800
midnightsgarden 23800
blondeheart100 23800
realmofmyst 38800
shingalana927 38800
pyrodafireman 38800
shnapper 38800
lildeb 47800
my_baby_poria 47800
schnarfschnarf 47800
ewagon 47800
summoner_yuna_x 47800
i_like_trains_ 58800
ladyoftheelves 62800
btmnpenguin 62800
love00123 87800
deirdrediane 91800
Nabile pwns you...
...At Lenny Connundrum.