Happened to me around when this whole mess first started. Woke up on day to find it gone. Here's what I did, in case it may help you.
1) If you go to your paypal Profile (located in the smaller light blue tab once you log in) and then click on Preapproved Payments under Finincial Info. It'll bring up the list of payments you've made and one of them should be Velocity. Even if it says you're currently paying zero dollars, if it doesn't say cancelled next to it under status, click on the link and follow the directions to cancel.
2) Sign up again. If you visit Leto's petpage, it should give you a link of where to go in case you've deleted your Invitation nm, click on that and you'll be able to sign up again.
3) Now for me this is kinda weird as I had to sign up again using paypal

So I did and got my portal and features back, but could not for the life of me access anything that involved a pw (like your admin stuff or webmail.). So I cancelled again using the above process and once more signed uo. This time I had the option to sign up using a credit card and got everything back fine. Heck, I even got a phone call asking if I'd solved my issues from TNT after I'd neomailed them 0_o Kinda creepy, but it shows they were trying to help I guess.
Hope you can get it solved, and if I confussed the heck out of ya I'm sorry.
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