Neodigit7 wrote:
They're all describing the actual libraries...
River - flood, rapids, lake/sea, drink
Maze - can't tell one from another, lost, no end, never heard again
Astral (Night Sky) -
- Here you can look ages into the past. - Many cultures have constellations that tell stories about their pasts
- Here you might find a hunter or cup. - Orion, and the Big Dipper a.k.a. Ursa Major
- Here you can navigate by points of light. - that is how it used to be done, by the stars
- Here you can see suns far away. - Stars = Suns
Yes, they do. The titles told us which phrase to say to the guards and the descriptions tell us which library the scroll is located in. But just in case the way they are grouped into the libraries has any bearing, I've added the titles of the scrolls to anjuna's post:
Tatty Red Fer - Desert Survival Skills for the Dim-Witted - “Here you will find rushing rapids.”
Royal Blue Djo - Desert Petpets: A Cautionary Tale- “Here you might weather a deadly flood.”
Regular Blue Tep - History of the Sakmet Dynasty Vol 3 - “Here you could sail from lake to sea.”
Tatty Green Kar - Edible Desert Foliage Vol 9 - “Here you can take a cool drink.”
Royal Yellow Ben - Sand Cuisine for Elephantes - “Here you cannot tell one path from the next.”
Regular Red Lat - The Chemical Properties of Sand - “Here you could be terribly lost.”
Tatty Blue Saf - Ruki Population Survey Vol 5 - “Here you could wander with no end in sight.”
Royal Green Nem - Decorating With Sand - Winter Quarterly - “Here you might never be heard from again.”
Regular Yellow Ra - Desert Tent Zoning Regulations - “Here you can look ages into the past.”
Royal Red Set - Royal Proclamations of Coltzan Vol 13 - “Here you might find a hunter or cup.”
Regular Green Ahn - The Joy of Burnt Desert Food - “Here you can navigate by points of light.”
Tatty Yellow Kha - Famous Sand Collections - “Here you can see suns far away.”