vinylraven wrote:
teh0mega wrote:
OmniIcyshelf wrote:
From the way some people phrase what they say about Dohring, they make him seem like Saddam O.o
Some people don't like him for his ermmm... religion. From what I've gathered, I think he's a Scientologist.
I'm not gonna discuss it here, since I'm preeetttyy sure the monitors wouldn't be too happy. But just google his name, and you'll find out enough. I can't say whether Dohring is a good or bad guy, so I'm not gonna say anything bad or good about him.
i'm not gonna discuss it either, since it's news to me anyway...but, people don't like him because of his religion? wow that's sad that in today's world people can't be accepting of different beliefs.
tom cruise, john travolta, juliette lewis, and jenna elfman are scientologists, to name a few. should we not like them?
sorry i'm just not big on the prejudice thing. (not saying that you are)
Actually its not this specific religion that's the problem. He could be Christian, Buddhist, Jedi Knightist or whatever. The problem is, it was a bunch of crooked friends from a religion that got together and scammed a lot of money.
We have no problem with scientology. Ron Hubbard created a religion in which he believed that human were put here by aliens. I'm cool with that. Again, its just a small population of the church that is involved in corrupt activities.
Also, I'm pretty sure the monitors have no problem about you discussing these matters in a calm, rational matter as long as you know the facts. We're not discussing a particular religion; we are discussing a certain man who made his religion relevant to the conversation by abusing his power. You're not on the neoboards anymore, hun. You don't need to worry about random freezings unless you deserve it.