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PostPosted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 8:55 pm 
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B55B55 wrote:
Bassie_PHX wrote:
How do you know they're going to give back the neopoints? Couldn't they just keep them and the Krawk Transmogrification Potion? A nice, big chunk of NP, no work or sacrifices involved? (Or, in basic terms, they get NP and get to keep the potion)

I would assume that this would be done using the trading post, meaning that the potion would be traded back to it's orgional owner for 250k, and that individual would then attempt to sell it again. thus not a scam, at least not in that way. (It does seem potentialy fishy in general)

>_< I forgot about the TP. That's what you get for visiting PPT and posting late at night after waking up fairly early. Meh. Forget the whole "scam" thing, it does sound silly now that I'm fully awake... :oops:

And, now I have to agree with Wind and Cranberry on this. It was a horrible mispricing, but still--you learn from your mistakes. And if that lesson is "If I horribly misprice a real expensive item I probably won't get it back" or something along those lines, then so be it. It's a thing called life.


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PostPosted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 9:05 pm 
PPT Warrior
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I'd keep it.
He should have been more careful when he priced it.
If I priced something wrong and someone bought it for a massivly low price, sure i'd be mad, but at myself! Because obviously I was in too much of a rush to notice the price, and deserved to lose it.

That's just my personal opinion though.

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 9:13 pm 
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Cranberry wrote:
And frankly, it annoys me how many of you are being all high-and-mighty, "I would give it back because it's the right thing to do be nice karma what goes around comes around if you're nice to someone they'll pay it forward like in that horrible Hayley Joel Osment movie I'm disappointed in all of you mean people who say you'd keep it blah blah blah." The people who say they'd keep it aren't bad, immoral people. And JCMidore already decided to keep it and it doesn't sound like this person is still writing begging for it back or anything, so all this is moot anyway -- now it's just a bunch of PPTers trying to prove how "nice" they are by offering up simple black&white statements after the fact.

I didn't say that I would give it back. I don't know if I would give it back, honestly. I'd like to think I'd give it back, as I think giving it back would be the kind and decent thing to do, but I am human and humans are weak.

That said, I think giving it back would be the kind and decent thing to do and I'll stand by that, mock me as much as you will.

I also said that I think all this, "He'll lean a lesson," "He's so stupid he deserves it," "It was obviously a scam" stuff is just an attempt to rationalize doing what the you really want to do, but suspect isn't the right thing to do. That is what I think and I'll stand by that, too.


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PostPosted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 9:28 pm 
Beyond Godly
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Well, of course it's a rationalization. No one's going to say "keep it" or "give it back" without having a reason, and whatever reason anyone in the "keep it" camp gives is going to sound like a rationalization.

And I'm not mocking you. I'm not really mocking anyone; I'm just annoyed by the people who post just to say what they would do. I know they probably don't mean it this way, but it makes them look like they're trying to show how good they are and how mean the rest of us are in comparison.


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PostPosted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 9:52 pm 
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Cranberry wrote:
Well, of course it's a rationalization. No one's going to say "keep it" or "give it back" without having a reason, and whatever reason anyone in the "keep it" camp gives is going to sound like a rationalization.

Not really. If the person had been rude or abusive, that would have been a reason for keeping it that I don't think would have sounded like a rationalization to anyone.

I suppose that, "Oh, he's so stupid he deserves it" might possibly qualify as a reason (though not one I agree with) in that there are some people who actually believe it. But I think the scam thing is so far-fetched it can't be anything but a rationalization.

And I'm not mocking you. I'm not really mocking anyone;

Sorry. It was the Hayley Joel Osment thing. (I agree it was a terrible movie, BTW. I watched it once on an airplane when I had nothing better to do.)

I'm just annoyed by the people who post just to say what they would do

I feel compelled to point out that the subject of this thread is, "What would you do?"


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PostPosted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 10:30 pm 
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I'd keep it.If they seemed nice I would give them 10-15k.and HOW could they price it at 10k?It's not even CLOSE to the amount they wanted!

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 11:18 pm 
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Cranberry wrote:
And frankly, it annoys me how many of you are being all high-and-mighty... The people who say they'd keep it aren't bad, immoral people.

I know my previous post could have easily come across as me sitting on a high horse and preaching (with the "do unto others", no less), and I could have definitely worded it better... so I'm sorry it came across like that.

When it comes down to it, though, I think we have already established that this is not a "legal" issue (JCMidore isn't obliged by neopets terms and conditions to give it back). Therefore, I don't think it comes down to anything but morals... does it? (I'm not sure what the issue would be, otherwise) And since morals are often a personal thing, it makes sense that people here have a different idea of right and wrong, and fairness.

By posting what I did before, I wasn't aiming to come across as "nice"... and I was a bit hurt by that implication (especially since I was the first person to go against the tide and say straight out that it should be given back). To me, the situation is a similar to seeing someone drop a $100 note (or maybe a couple of thousands of dollars) and seeing them walk away... and deciding whether to keep the money or run after them and give it back.

Sure, Neopets is just a game, so I can understand why people would disagree. Then again, time and effort = money, in my books.

Edit: *sigh* It probably just sounds like I'm preaching again...

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Last edited by mazil on Mon Jul 17, 2006 11:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 11:24 pm 
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Cranberry wrote:
...I'm just annoyed by the people who post just to say what they would do. I know they probably don't mean it this way, but it makes them look like they're trying to show how good they are and how mean the rest of us are in comparison. seems to me, after reading this thread, that those who would suggest to keep it are villianizing those who would return it. There's a bit of both. Really, I think it just depends who you are. Some people are the ones who say "this is a good lesson for the other person to learn to pay more attention" and there are some who would say "man. if I were in their shoes, I'd want this done for me." Both very logical reasons in my book.


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PostPosted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 11:26 pm 
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I have read through all of this and would like to put my thoughts in, if you all don't mind. I am a negg dealer. Pretty big one. A good reputation. Lots of repeat customers. Yadda, yadda, yadda. And, I buy my neggs off of the shop wiz. So, I basically profit from people's mistakes. Or maybe not their mistakes as much as their desire to make a fast buck or their inability to read the market.

But, I also have this great big conscience. So, when I see something that I clearly know is an error--a zero left off--or a mispriced negg in the shops of one of my regulars or one of my competitors, I write them and offer to give it back for the price I paid. Because I just couldn't live with myself otherwise. And a few months back, glitches hit that were mispricing items in shops. When you hit the submit button, there were times that the item would pick up the price next to it. And it is true that what goes around comes around. Because one of my competitors saw a negg in my shop priced for 6k that sells for 90K--it picked up the price of the cheap negg next to it. And, God bless her, she wrote me about it immediately. So, a few of us in the negg market started looking out for each other and helping each other out when stuff like that happened.

So, as you can see I am torn here. Because I make my Neo living due to people's mistakes. But, I honestly think that you should keep it. And not think twice. Why? Because it does seem like the guy purposely tried to trip you up. And the moment he brought his friends in he showed his true colors. The whole thing seems a bit suspicious to me. Like they were trying to set you up.

When someone writes me to say that they mispriced their negg and could they please have it back, I give it back to him. But only if they are nice to me. The second they get snotty or think that I owe them something, I dig in my heels. Because people are right. It is a game. You make mistakes and you learn from them. I like to be nice and go with my conscience, but only if people are going to be nice about it. And a bit grateful. Because I don't have to do anything. It isn't against the rules to keep something that has been mispriced. And it is part of the game.

And this guy doesn't sound like he was nice to you at all. So, to heck with him. Keep it and hold your head high. And if people neomail you with negative stuff about it, use your block button.

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 11:44 pm 
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Yeah, that's one of the things I don't like about Wiz stalking. In the past I've Wiz stalked for map pieces and while I admit I keep ones I find that are greatly underpriced (see what I said above about being human and therefore weak) I always feel guilty about it. So I've more-or-less given it up. (Though sometimes you can also get good deals when people price an expensive peice at the price of a cheaper peice. That doesn't bother me: if they can't be bothered to find the price of their SPECIFIC peice, that's their problem.)

I just don't see anything wonrg with friend thing. I don't know if people do it here, but on other forums I've been on, "Ack, I meant to price my item at X and instead it was Y, could you bid it up for me, if you win I'll buy it back?" is not an unusual request. It's really the only way to "fix" an auction mistake.

Given that (as we can see) relying on the buying giving the item back is not a wise move, I think getting friends to bid the item up is perfectly reasonable. It's not like anyone's getting scammed by it.


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PostPosted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 12:05 am 
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I'm just stuck on this "mispricing" thing. I don't understand how someone could type 10,000 instead of 1,750,000 (or whatever it was before the increments); I just don't. Maybe he priced it that low on purpose and told a few different people to bid on it in a lame attempt to start a bidding war and get more than 1,750,000 for it?

Think about it: when you do an auction for an expensive item, generally you'd put the price as, say, 1,450,000 with 300,000 increments, so that your buyer just has to do the one bid and no one else will bother bidding (because the item isn't worth 2,050,000). Maybe this guy thought that by pricing it low, he'd start a bidding war and people would drive the price up over 1,750,000 little by little. Maybe he forgot about/didn't understand the increments and thought JCMidore would just bid the full price right away and he'd have a chance at gaining even more if others jumped in to bid.

Or maybe he's just really, really stupid.


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PostPosted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 12:08 am 
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What an interesting discussion. What I have learned from this is that JCMidore is just like us all - we don't really know what we'd do in such a situation even when it does happen, let alone if we are just speculating, and turning to your friends to chat about it is a helpful way to clear your thinking... or make it more muddled.

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 12:10 am 
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bgryph wrote:
I just don't see anything wonrg with friend thing. I don't know if people do it here, but on other forums I've been on, "Ack, I meant to price my item at X and instead it was Y, could you bid it up for me, if you win I'll buy it back?" is not an unusual request. It's really the only way to "fix" an auction mistake.

Given that (as we can see) relying on the buying giving the item back is not a wise move, I think getting friends to bid the item up is perfectly reasonable. It's not like anyone's getting scammed by it.

I see your point. But if it was a private auction with a specific buyer, I would have sent him a neomail: "Thanks for letting me know I mispriced it. I've asked a few friends to bid on the auction who are going to trade it back to me for the price they pay. When I get it back, I'll re-auction it at the agreed upon price, and then it's all yours." Otherwise, the buyer begins to suspect you have less than honorable purposes...

I don't know what I would do in this situation -- I've never bid on anything that expensive. I would rely on my gut; without all the facts and neomail exchanges, the rest of us can't really judge. I wouldn't base it on what the other user might say about me; I would base it on how I'd feel about my decision, and how I'd feel if my nephew were in the seller's shoes (my 14-year-old nephew introduced me to neopets)... And I wouldn't necessarily take my nephew's side if I felt he needed to learn a lesson to grow as a person...

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 12:45 am 
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Gah, I can't keep my mouth shut so I'm going to weigh in.

The only issue here is the large amount of neopoint involved. I don't see anyone losing sleep over sniping a 400np codestone, or any item in that value range...

TNT even perpetuate the practice by creating "sniperspace" for premium users! So, I fail to see what the difference between sniping the codestone and sniping the potion really is. He flubbed on the price (in a big way!) and subsequently behaved poorly on the back-end after it was all said and done. I don't see how any of that is JCMidore's fault.

Honestly, and this may come back to bite me in the smurf, I feel that this thread was created more so to gain encouragement to keep the item than how to approach the seller and return it. JCMidore did everything you are supposed to do. He contacted the seller, agreed upon a price, set up the auction and discussed everything beforehand, and how was his responsibility and attention to detail thanked? A bunch of neofriends showing up to inflate the private auction price of a mispriced item? I would certainly want to keep it at that point! So should JCMidore! I wouldn't waste a single second on someone who tried to ultimately screw me out of a deal. He probably, initially, meant to price it at 1Mnp with a larger increment and watch the bidding war take it over the 1.75 mark. If the auction started at 10K and ended at 250K, that's some furious bidding (at 5K points, it's still over 45 bids, those are some fast neofriends!).

And for the record, Cranberry is not a nice girl!! ;)

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 12:51 am 
Beyond Godly
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HotRoxy wrote:

And for the record, Cranberry is not a nice girl!! ;)

Haha, as soon as I saw your name here, I knew you'd say that. You're so predictable. :P And mean! Why are you picking on poor little me? ;)

I think it's kind of amusing that we're all arguing this point long after the seller probably gave up and stopped caring about it at all. ;)


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