Cranberry wrote:
And frankly, it annoys me how many of you are being all high-and-mighty... The people who say they'd keep it aren't bad, immoral people.
I know my previous post could have easily come across as me sitting on a high horse and preaching (with the "do unto others", no less), and I could have definitely worded it better... so I'm sorry it came across like that.
When it comes down to it, though, I think we have already established that this is not a "legal" issue (JCMidore isn't obliged by neopets terms and conditions to give it back). Therefore, I don't think it comes down to anything
but morals... does it? (I'm not sure what the issue would be, otherwise) And since morals are often a personal thing, it makes sense that people here have a different idea of right and wrong, and fairness.
By posting what I did before, I wasn't aiming to come across as "nice"... and I was a bit hurt by that implication (especially since I was the first person to go against the tide and say straight out that it should be given back). To me, the situation is a similar to seeing someone drop a $100 note (or maybe a couple of thousands of dollars) and seeing them walk away... and deciding whether to keep the money or run after them and give it back.
Sure, Neopets is just a game, so I can understand why people would disagree. Then again, time and effort = money, in my books.
Edit: *sigh* It probably just sounds like I'm preaching again...