SleepRuki's page lists the following traps:
The Spike Trap
The door slams shut behind you and a trap door opens below your feet! You find yourself in a deep pit, dangling from a rope mere inches above sharp metal spikes. It's going to take you a while to climb out of here.
The Crush Trap
The door slams shut behind you and the walls begin to move toward you! It's going to take all your strength to hold them off until the mechanism is disabled...
The Jelly Trap
The door slams shut behind you and you hear a shuffling noise. Out of the dark comes an enormous blob of jelly! It looks like it's devoured greater adventurers than you. You hope you can keep out of its grasp until you figure a way out of here...
The Gas Trap
The door slams shut behind you and poison gas begins to fill the room! You try to escape, but after a few moments you find yourself... falling... unconscious... maybe... you should... take... a nap...
The Riddle Trap
The door slams shut behind you and you see a riddle inscribed on the opposite wall. It's very intriguing. You decide to spend a while trying to figure it out...
The Water Trap
The door slams shut behind you and water begins to pour from hidden alcoves! It looks like you're goung to have to spend some time bailing your way out of here...
The Sand Trap
The door slams shut behind you. Suddenly, the ceiling collapses and you are buried in a pile of sand! It's going to take you a while to dig your way out.
for a great LDP page see: ... =SleepRuki