MAPPING: There are differing lengths to each corridor, so everybody will have a different number of them.
Start: Use the right and left arrow keys to map out your starting corridor. I suggest from left to right (Unless you are left handed). Write down the SHAPE COLOR and SYMBOL. Mark your Starting Room. I also named my corridor with a symbol and each door in the corridor with a number.
Then: Try to think scientifically. Choose a door at either end. This should take you to a new corridor (sometimes it takes you to your original corridor. Take note and choose another door).
Map out your second corridor. Mark which room you went into from your starting corridor door. Continue until all doors are marked.
EXAMPLE: ... xample.gif
After I mapped all doors: ... ayout1.gif ... ayout2.gif
Green marks are my 'prophecy' door color and shape that did not have the faerie statue.
Finally: I rearranged my corridors by length to help check for repeats. I had a few.
All (shrunken): ... rdered.gif
Full size in 2 parts: ... /part1.gif ... /part2.gif
ALSO: This is what I started but abandoned early on. ... plemap.gif
I created graphics using a program called Screenhunter. You can use any screenshot capturing program you wish. I took a screenshot of just the doors in each room and pasted them together into a hallway. I used the art program Gimp. You can use any art program you wish.
MOST people got 84 rooms. Some have gotten more or less. There is ONE door of every symbol, shape, and color. That is the only way to confirm any missing rooms. There should also be three library doors.
::Points down:: Three fit. I made it when there were still four missing. Never thought of it. I probably won't change it. I just thought my first part needed a 'base' because it was so small.