Runevalkyrie wrote:
Armi wrote:
BTW, anyone notice how TNT got rid of the otter neopet CC?
All I can assume from that it was a goof when they uploaded that CC (either that or they decided against releasing it so soon after the bori [which would mean they read me rant haha])
Good if they heard your rant, or maybe more ranted as well. TNT needed to hold off on the otter for awhil, and with Sloth day and Elepahnte Day...that otter isn't coming for awhile,which is good.
They seriosuly need tospace out neopets now. Maybe they'll also stop spewing out Bori colors like they were...though pirate or Grey Bori appearing is ok. *poke poke*
Still Give Rukis more colors!
Is anyone else disappointed and/or hoping for better elephante colors?
I SO want a maraquan, darigan or robot elephante... *wouldn't be surprised if they're the only neopet that can't be any of those three*
I'd have to say, truthfully, no. >_> But this is me, so ignore that.
Sure, they should get another color for pet day(wouldn't be fair, otherwise), since Buzz achived 4 new colors,but Aishas got jibbed, but then again...they have almost every color.
Oddly, enough, I'm interested on what a maraquan Elephante would look like. Darigan would be cool...long as it has killer tusks! =D
Quiggle lack all 3, same with Nimmo, Koi and Gelert.
Where have the darigan color pets gone to!? I'm missing seeing new ones coming out.

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