In the year 2042, Neopets will sell out to Walmart, Walmart will turn Neopets into a mass selling store, and huge banner adds, that advertise Walmart products, particuallry womens swimsuits, after Adam and Donna complain to Walmart, they flood her Email inbox with advertisements.
Walmart will require that when everyone sign up to Neopets, they recieve atleast 25 email advertisements a week.
Walmart will require that you have a banner add in your signature in the Neoboards, the Neoboarders will go on a mass mayhem of reporting after they see an add for a swimsuit model in someone's signautre. Therefore causing mass mayhem on the Neoboards.
When Neoschools are finally released, TNT will ask that you buy some sponsor's merchandise in order to enter.
Avatars will be replaced with page adds, that blink and say 'BUY ME NOW'
When Neopets goes down for mantience, you will see flashing popups, banners, and page adds instead of th down for mantience page.
Neopets will finally realize that clothing is pointless, and finally throw it to the Draiks.
They will have collectable sponsor adds, opposed to avatars, or sidebar skins. Whoever has the most banner adds gets to have all sponsorship removed for 5 minutes.
Neopets will finally realize the site is pointless, and send it down for mantience for the rest of their lives. When people email them asking what happened, they will shrug it off and say its a glitch that deleted everything.