Ziggy wrote:
Tonu wrote:
I'm gonna do it!

This is so cool! I'm very proud to be a PPTer and this is a great way to show it off!
And about the new description thing, I can't help but be very offended by it. I think Adam has a poor sense of humor for mocking some people for complaining about unfairly frozen accounts. I mean how would they know if they've been unfairly frozen when the hardly ever give a human response to your emails?
Sorry if this sounds like a rant, but I'm not targetting you or anything. You just brought up a topic I want to discuss.
People are frozen BECAUSE THEY'VE DONE SOMETHING WRONG. Now I know that there is a VERY VERY VERY small percent of people who do nothing wrong (like getting on Neopets at a webcafe or something) but 99.99% of the time someone has made a mistake somewhere on their account that has caused them to be frozen. I can't help but think because some people see PPT as an influencer to Neopets, they come here to moan about their account being frozen in hopes someone like Adam will see it and unfreeze them.
I understand that losing the time, talent, and hard work put into an account can be very frustrating. But to the same extent, if you have a frozen account I think you have two options: you can either create a new account, or leave Neopets forever. If Neopets is that important, create a new account. If it isn't, leave.
I'm sorry I sounded harsh, but, well *deposits two cents into Scorchio Bank*.
Sorry, ziggy, but I can't agree with you at all! Where do you get the 99.99% figure. I have had two family members, out of the three of us who play, wrongfully frozen. One for allegedly cheating at flash games (right after shockwave was put in place)--for sending a score of 107 after playing Grundo's Snowthrow--and the other for being a nice person and giving away gifts to people in need. Both got their accounts back after Neo realized their mistake--but that took luck and a whole lot of writing to happen. And, then just recently, my husband got a secondary account frozen because he was "attempting to access an inactive account." He had found a great name for an account and had it for 6 months. Then one day out of the blue, Neo decides that the name shouldn't have been reactivated--so instead of letting my husband know that Neo had made a mistake in reactivating the name, they just froze the account. Fair? I don't think so. So, that's 2 out of 3 players in my house--that's bad odds, wouldn't you say?
And, being on PPT for as long as I have (June 2003) and on Neo for almost 2 years, I have seen countless individuals frozen unfairly--people who were well respected, long time players with way too much to lose to risk doing anything that could get them frozen. One for accidentally receiving a huge sum of nps and who wrote Neo about the mistake and tried to give it back. Many because of guilt by association--because someone they had given/gotten a present from had done something terribly wrong. Many because the auto-bots were set incorrectly--told they were cheating at a game or autobuying when they were not--just that Neo had their setting on the autobot too high. Many for saying something harmless on the Neoboards or in their guilds--one for saying ebay, one for attempting to say hell but frozen even though the filters caught it. Others for playing at a public place or webcafe and Neo somehow thought that there were too many accounts playing at the same IP address so it must one player with multiple accounts--when in actuality, it was many players playing on the same IP address. Many, last January, for giving nice gifts to each other because of a birthday or Christmas (who could ever forget Hampie?). And, still others, for being the victims of the password glitch last April--their accounts were hacked into by the evildoers, then frozen by Neo in an attempt to stop the evildoers, yet never returned to the rightful owners.
Unless you have been there and been frozen unfairly or know someone who has been frozen unfairly, you just don't know how it feels. It is absolutely horrible to be accused of something when you know, deep down in your heart, that you did nothing wrong. And have to face your friends after being frozen and wonder if they aren't wondering if you did something to deserve it.
I watched my daughter cry her eyes out when her account was frozen. She had gotten a windfall and wanted to help out others with the extra nps she had received. Frozen for being a good samaritan. And, I was right next to her when it happened so no one can tell me that she was scamming/cheating/whatever because I was there. You have no idea how hard that was for me as a mom to deal with. Nor how angry and determined I got afterward. I was going to prove Neo wrong no matter how long it took--and I did--I wrote and got her account back with 24 hours--but it took quite a toll on both her and me.
A very, very good friend on PPT was frozen unfairly and I sat helplessly as he wrote that he was crying right then. Because he had let someone transfer a painted pet to his account--the person doing the transferring was using an autobuyer at the time of this and got not only my friend but three other people on PPT frozen--people who did nothing wrong but associate with someone they thought was a nice guy but who, in reality, was cheating. Did they deserve to be punished for his actions?
Unfortunately, Neo isn't fair in handing out its freezings. A person can have a pet named hellwitch and not get frozen while my guild member who attempts to say hell on the guilds gets frozen.
And, Neo has almost nothing clearly stated or in writing. Why can't they make a FAQ sheet? There are so many unanswered questions and so many iffy situations. And, if you try asking a staff member, one person will tell you it is OK to do, another will say they don't know, and yet another will say it is not allowed. So, who do you go with?
Most people who play Neo for any length of time would do anything and everything to keep their account from being frozen. They have too much to lose to jeopardize it for a few extra nps. If only they knew all of the rules beforehand--were aware of the unwritten actions that could get them frozen.
And, most of them get totally freaked out anytime they think they might be doing something that is the least bit offensive. I wrote the word "pass" in my guild the other day--didn't think twice about it--I said that I hoped my daughter passed her class. And I got the questionable content filter. I just about died--I have multi-millions in nps and plushies and wouldn't do anything-ever--to jeopardize my account. Yet, that could have gotten me frozen. And, not just me, but maybe anyone else who played in my household.
So, in my opinion, Neo is way too harsh with its freezing policy. People may come to PPT to complain about it--after all, PPT is a safe haven for people to talk honestly about Neo without fear of being frozen. But look around you, many of the people who have been frozen were PPTers way before the freezing. They should be allowed to talk about their freezing--ask for advice and help--be allowed to cry and to vent. And, we, as PPTers, should support our fellow members when they are going through this--rather than criticize them for doing so.
EDIT: Tonu, you are one very brave person for admitting to your mistakes. However, if you hadn't been unfairly frozen, none of the stuff afterwards would have happened--the anger and frustration from being frozen wouldn't have come out in the way that it did. Glad you are back, by the way!
Tested made this fabulous set for me!!! Isn't it great?