Ledi wrote:
I liked the compacter, slightly chubbier Jhuidah as well. It did show that there wasn't just the stereotypical barbie-doll figure on the site, which is pretty much everything else I look at (the other faeries, female heroes, etc). This is not a good thing for the self-esteem of younger children who don't happen to have supermodel figures and can't wear revealing and skimpy clothing.
ledi i'm with you on that, besides, i really liked jhudiah curvier, it suited the whole island thing, i always equated it with pacific islanders, and usually they aren't the tallest of people, of course that depends which island you are talking about.

personally, full figure is a good idea for an island faerie, consider many cultures believe that full figure = fertitily = all things good. now this isn't true in dominant western society, but also yest consider some of the most famous woman were those with curves, consider marilyn monroe for example, and i feel really sorry for that model who used to model the wonderbra, poor thing was a size 10 and she almost killed herself to fit the new changing attitude, but some people are genetically not able to be small, and she was one of them. and many races have that genteically built in too, things like height, eg, all my family are short as, same thing with weight as well.
i think that the reason jhudiah looks different in the gallery is because they cut her legs off. and of course, did elongate her body a bit, but its the missing legs which make her look so much thinner.
mercurius wrote:
full-figured fairies? I'd honestly not want to have to look at a frumpy lumpy faerie. They made her look action-hero-y. She has the kind of dynamic physique that you'd see in comic books. How many women action heros do you know are fat and wear full length skirts with shirts that button up to their eyebrows?
i would like to point out wonder woman. and she had several movies and comics which still run today. and shes not what i would consider a size 6. i'm not knocking your views, i just think i liked jhudiah as a sort of island goddess, and curves suit that ideal most.
If you see my sanity, get it to give me a call.