borovan90834 wrote:
Johnnydontgo wrote:
fifthmonkee wrote:
The banner ads bother me because they represent bad news on the business end of Neopets. Neopets, as a business concepts, is a web page offering imbedded advertising. If they can't make enough money from imbedded advertising and licensing fees, then the entire concept is flawed, and Neopets has no real reason to exist.
Or, more precisely, investors and advertisers will see no real reason for the site to exist. The experiment has failed, Neopets won't endure, and eventually, in 5, 10, or 20 years, my tiny virtual pets will cease to exist, and that idea makes me sad

Very sad

I don't see how that makes sense. Neopets earns the majority of their income from, like you said, embedded advertising and marketing real-life merchandise. It seems to be working quite well for them. And, as Adam said above, we're talking 3% of all banners (for now), and the number will probably grow. Alot of large companies (i.e. General Mills, whatever movie companies are advertising their movies) are jumping at the chance to be a part of it. I don't see this as the "downfall" of the company per se, but perhaps the "depersonalization" of it.
Yes, its not like we want to do this, but we dont really have much choice. If it doesnt work out then we will certainly revert to the old style of yellow bar... I'll keep you posted

Its only a banner, it could be a lot worse

We'll never do popups or anything like that...
Anyway, you get a Neopets ad 97% of the time, and we will be making more of them so you dont see the same 13 ads over and over again.
I don't quite get the first part of that .. "no reason to exist". All businesses rely on advertising. That is partly (at least) what helps them TO exist.
That said, and as someone who does buy real life "stuff" (and yes I am an adult, just can't resist those plushies; at least the ones I can get my hands on *grumbles there's NO Ltd. Too stores around here*) ... well I do feel like I'm helping to support the site.
When I first saw that huge topbanner the first thing I thought was here comes loads of third party, tracking adware embedded ads (as 99.999999% of banner ads DO have something like that - even eBay itself has it, I'm always getting doubleclicked blocked there). I do have spywareblaster (highly recommend it) along with spybot s&d and ad-ware as a backup. So, if you are worried about those trackers, get the software - it's free and easy to use.
Now, to the topbanner itself. I am with Ledi on this. Is there a way to make the darn thing smaller, less "animated" ... something? I know 2 people with physical problems who have already quit because they can't get the pages to load quickly enough to scroll past the banner and for whatever reason can't get firefox to work right (I can't either - but I'm kind of computer illiterate).
I have also seen and talked to many people who have drastically cut back on the time they're spending on the site due to the topbanner, thus reducing your pageviews, thus reducing what stats go back to the sponsors. Kind of a vicious cycle happening here. Just something you may want to pass on to whoever thought this thing was a good idea for selling ad space to sponsors/advertisers.
I would LOVE to see you go back to just the one shockwave ad on the sidebar and completely lose that topbanner. It's the ads, yes, but it's also that the new look is just so overwhelming, seems "heavy" and all that yellow!
I like the new sidebar, though of course I keep clicking create a pet instead of pet central

, but that'll sort itself out. The clock is very useful, I like it ... except when the pages decide to to take a few minutes to load and I can just sit there watching the clock to know just how long that topbanner is taking to load. Ugggghhhh, dial-up!
Ohh, sorry for the ramble - been without a computer since Monday! Trying to catch up with everything.