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PostPosted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 5:23 pm 
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twinklyspangle wrote:
psyco_chick32 wrote:
Asparagus Queen - I take a bit offense at your statement of pop making people unhealthy and overweight. I don't LIKE the taste of tea, and drink pop, but the only health risks I face are inherited, like epilepsy. Pop isn't doing a think about that.

About the statement - I don't really like it - but then again, I'm an avid pop drinker and still waaay below the "average" weight for my age - I think it's very inaccurate to say that drinking pop makes you "fat" and "ugly" and think it's a very narrow viewpoint for people to have. There are a lot of other factors that go into weight and whether or not somebody is pretty, not just what they drink.

I also agree that having the statement "Thinner and Prettier" IS offensive... within this context. In Neopets, a statement should not be worded like that. Yes, older people know that models are photoshopped and usually plastic, but the younger crowd may not. Neopets doesn't need to enforce the image that girls are prettier when they're skinner.

Do you know how many calories and sugar are in fizzy drinks? It's no OFFENSIVE, it's true. Pop is BAD for you. It rots your teeth, prevents good digestion and contains more calories than some sandwiches.

As I believe (I've gotten 3 hours of sleep in the last 48 hours so please bear with me if I randomly take some detour mentally... ugh I hate work) I pointed out earlier - I understand that. I KNOW pop is bad for me. While I am an avid pop drinker, I don't ONLY drink pop. I drink copious amount of water and some milk (I'm slightly intolerant, so I don't drink a lot). I believe I pointed out about that in my mind, pop does not equal instand fat, ugly, and therefore unhappy, and THAT is why I do not like the game. I said it before, I'll say it again: "I think it's very inaccurate to say that drinking pop makes you "fat" and "ugly" and think it's a very narrow viewpoint for people to have. There are a lot of other factors that go into weight and whether or not somebody is pretty, not just what they drink."

Anyway, this board really isn't the place for a discussion of my eating and drinking habits. If you wish to chat with me more about it, feel free to PM me. Only, know this, I am well aware that by drinking pop, I am drinking "empty calories." Only, you know what? (I think this is slightly ON topic here): I ENJOY pop. When I drink pop, I AM happier. So where does this sponser get off saying that if I drink tea I'll be happier?

Anyway. Sorry. Sleeplessness getting to me. I wrote in to TNT sharing my feelings on the matter, and I believe that anybody who is upset over this should, too.

background_noise: As far as I know, there is no specific petition. Besides, the more letters TNT gets, the more it is brought to their attention (if things go as they should). No spamming, no accusing. My neomail was short and to the point, explaining that I believed that Neopets was helping enforce a very negative image to impressionable young 'uns and that I was disturbed to find such a statement on their site. I then encouraged them to make games that encourage good eating and drinking habits, but with an emphasis on well-roundedness.

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 5:29 pm 
Way Beyond Godly
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I'm with Taryth. It's bad enough that celebrities try to sent trends with the whole anorexic is in thing, but now Neopets?
God, this is taking advertised games too far.


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PostPosted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 6:11 pm 
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Some of the opinions and nearly fanatical rants discussing this are going too far. If you don't want your children influenced by this, don't let them play it. How hard is that to understand?

Opinions on the good vs bad effects of advertising aside, parents these days are too quick to force everyone else to adhere to THEIR standards and rules instead of enforcing them on their kids themselves. Would I care if my kids played the game? No, but then they'd be my kids. What gives you (the general sense) the right to complain and try to force others to go by your opinions?

Simple as that. If you're concerned about your child's welfare, take an active role in their lives, don't try to make everyone else apart of it too.

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 9:04 pm 
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Teelie wrote:
Some of the opinions and nearly fanatical rants discussing this are going too far. If you don't want your children influenced by this, don't let them play it. How hard is that to understand?

Opinions on the good vs bad effects of advertising aside, parents these days are too quick to force everyone else to adhere to THEIR standards and rules instead of enforcing them on their kids themselves. Would I care if my kids played the game? No, but then they'd be my kids. What gives you (the general sense) the right to complain and try to force others to go by your opinions?

Simple as that. If you're concerned about your child's welfare, take an active role in their lives, don't try to make everyone else apart of it too.

You might have a different opinion on that if you were a woman and went through the pressure we have to be thin. I'm not saying that men don't, but it is undeniable that women face more pressure, and young girls are inundated with it from the moment they pivk up their first Barbie.
And excuse me if I'm wrong, but isn't keeping an eye on what your child does online part of taking an active interest in their lives?

I do agree with you about not forcing others your opinion on others, but I believe many of us just want to present our opinion, not realizing how it may come off. One person's opinion is not necessarily more or less valid than another. Therefore while yours may work for you, it may not for other people.

Personally, I don't think it's a simple as you say, for raising kids is complicated. But I don't have any right now, and I couldn't say what I would do if I did.


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PostPosted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 9:17 pm 
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DM was on fire! wrote:
I'm with Taryth. It's bad enough that celebrities try to sent trends with the whole anorexic is in thing, but now Neopets?
God, this is taking advertised games too far.

*nods* I have to agree to that.

I played that game briefly to add to my high score table (you know... for the avatar ;) ) and I missed that part. It's horrible that they're promoting this stuff.

I think is morally wrong that the media and press nowadays give the impression what "thin and skinny" means. And I've also noticed that most of the famous models worldwide give this example.

Now I've actually opened my eyes to the game (heh) I hope TNT take it off the site like most of the other sponsor games they ever had.


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PostPosted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 10:12 pm 
Beyond Godly
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I would have no problem having my child play the game, but I would explain to them how utterly self important, stereotypic, and insidious the advertising is. They tell you to talk to your kids about drugs and strangers. I hope people don't forget to talk to thier kids about advertising practices.

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 10:39 pm 
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Are you kidding me?!

Wow.. that's just pathetic. Wrong and pathetic.
I can't believe it.

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 1:48 am 
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Some of the opinions and nearly fanatical rants discussing this are going too far. If you don't want your children influenced by this, don't let them play it. How hard is that to understand?

My children do not play Neo anymore. My statements where for young people in general.

Once again, it isn't just about "don't play it, if you don't like it". It is the whole ideal behind the sponsor's product and the way it is advertised.

In Australia, that type of advertising would not be tolerated. We don't just look after our own children but the well-being off all that might see such an inappropriate form of advertising.

To say the drink makes you slimmer and prettier is a lie. A big fat lie. As adults we know that no such wonder product exists.

The product by itself isn't the problem (even though it is false advertising) but the really offensive game that reinforces a stereotypical view of females. To be slim is to be pretty, to be overweight is to ugly, messy and unhygenic.

To make the fatter girls (and ONLY girls) be ugly and messy because they drink soda but instantaneously they become prettier because they drink tea, is just so wrong.

Words really fail me that people cannot understand how bad the game is.

I just hope that none of your children ever feel pressured to lose weight to be acceptable. I hope that none of your daughter's ever have such a body image problem that they will go to any extremes to become "slimmer and prettier".

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 2:42 am 

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Wow.. that game makes me wonder just how carefully TNT scans the things they add to their website! Wether it's right or wrong, it seems a little dangerous to me... They seem to be doing a massive amount of marketing to the younger age group and that game is begging for children's watchdog groups to get involved!

To everyone that thinks this is a silly issue, I hope this means that you have never watched someone close to you battle destructive self image/self worth problems, and I do hope it stays that way. It is amazing the little things that can be a contributing factor or "trigger" to someone who happens to be in a vounerable state. Politically speaking, TNT and Le Tea have every right to to portray pop drinkers and "heavy" people however they want, it would be quite a battle to prove to a court they were out of line or endangering any person's stability. However, it is highly irresponsible of them to do so.

While this may not seem like a problem to most of us, we are a little older and know that nothing works the way this game portrays it, there are younger players who are socially shaping their views about the world. "People who are fat drink to much soda and not enough Le Tea and will have ugly faces and hair..." is a bit of a stretch, but "she wears size 12 because she is a slob about her diet, and its her fault for not choosing better..." might not be. Some women are quite naturally healthy at a size 10 or 12 or even larger, this doesn't make them fat or a slob, just a different body type from some of the size 2s.My best friend tries everything to gain weight, and eats whatever she wants, including spoonfuls of Peanut Butter(must be nice), its not really fair to portray her as healthier, happier and smarter about food choices than my size 12 athletic sister who eats healthy 9 times out of 10.

Drinking Soda all day everyday is not good for you, drinking tea all day everyday really isn't either (I am 7 months pregnant and Green Tea is actually on the "enjoy rarely" list). How the tea is prepared makes a huge difference, it may be just as full of sugar and bad "stuff". TNT could have kept the basic concept without being so offensive, seeing the characters get "sugar highs" or maybe a big burp that made it hard to catch the next tea would probably have been much better. No physical characteristics to hurt anyone's feelings.

Bottom line, is you felt like this is an issue and wrote to TNT, I think that's exactly what needs to be done. TNT determines the people that use this sight by what content they allow, and they seem to strive for "as little conflict as possible". If something like this were on The Man show, or Mad, or anything of that nature, I am sure it would fit in just fine, as their target audience is largely people who would find humor in it. I am sure if they posted something about fat jokes being insensitive or demeaning people who made them, they would receive a fair number of unhappy letters from their target audience.

I apologize for any misspelling, I keep rereading this and saying I misspelled that...wait maybe not.. :P It's a little late here.

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 3:51 am 
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well, I haven't personally played the game, but I'd have to agree. The premise is disturbing to me. I think the media does a good enough job convincing young girls they have to look like a barbie doll that Neopets doesn't need to endorse this as well.

EDIT: Just played someone who is larger and has extremely difficult time losing weight despite no pop and exercise and diet, it is extremely offensive. I sincerely hope (well...without much expectancy) that Neopets reconsiders this game


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PostPosted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 7:34 am 
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I've played the game earlier today and I've had tme to let the idea evolve in my head. I didn't want to post something rushed but something well thought out.

I do not concider myself overweight or bad looking, I am also a guy so this is harder to relate too but when I see things like that. Its disgusting. Why must everyone send out the message that thin and pretty are a must in life? Television does it, radio does it, magazines do it. Its everywhere. Neopets was one of those places where many people could escape. Its not always easy to be overweight or not find yourself good-looking. The media pressures you and so does the public when you do not meet the standards. Neopets is not only a place to have fun but its also an escape. People cannot judge you because they do not see you. Its a way to make friends and escape the constant pressure of the world, what people expect of you.

Now they have put this on neopets and it still sends the message to people. That one place where you were safe and thats gone. Its already enough that these people have to suffer the criticism of everyone everyday, why must they suffer that from neopets as well?

Some of you say that those drinks are good for you and that soft drinks are bad and make you fat. That is untrue, sure a balanced diet may keep you slim but exercise is a much bigger factor in this. Don't tell me that by sitting down infront of your computer drinking that crap they advertise that you will slim down. Thats bull.

That stuff will not make you slimmer or prettier, the effort of keeping a balanced diet and exercise. Not only is this baised on lies but it projects the image that you need to be slim and pretty to be happy. All that on a kids site. DISGUSTING!

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 7:21 pm 
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Are you going to send that to TNT, benladesh? You make a good point (as do many who have commented here).

Being hydrated will generally make you prettier (i.e., keep your skin looking healthy and refreshed). Soda won't help with that, but it's not going to make you fat unless all you do is sit around drinking it. I don't know what's in le Tea, but I'd feel healthier drinking a nice glass of water...

BTW, I don't usually drink soda or bottled tea. Milk, water, juice...If I drink soda, it's generally all-natural and sugar-free. Or Cherry Coke, but that's so rare in my life these days.

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 7:31 pm 
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aichmophile wrote:
Being hydrated will generally make you prettier (i.e., keep your skin looking healthy and refreshed). Soda won't help with that, but it's not going to make you fat unless all you do is sit around drinking it. I don't know what's in le Tea, but I'd feel healthier drinking a nice glass of water...

Actually, soda will hydrate you just as well as water or anything else. It just has more sugar and junk.

I believe the only beverage you can drink that won't hydrate you is hard liquor: there's not enough water in it to counteract the diuretic effects.

As for the game, I agree it's messed up.

(Though as a size 14 -- and still in the range of healthy for my height -- I find the notion that size 12 is somehow big rather disturbing, too.)


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PostPosted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 7:59 pm 
Beyond Godly
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On a bright note, somebody has been making La Tea dolls. All different sizes available (the larger ones changed to be well groomed and happy faced) to proclaim "I'm happy as I am." Awwww!

Thanks aytheria!

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 8:42 pm 
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aichmophile wrote:
Are you going to send that to TNT, benladesh? You make a good point (as do many who have commented here).

I haven't really concidered that. Where do I send it?

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