anjuna wrote:
Begs the question, raises the question. I really don't see much difference.
I guess you didn't click that link I gave you, then. Or else you have no reading comprehension skills.
A question remains, and as more people answer, I still can't help but suspect that the Lottery is indeed the same one, else TNT would have named the RE differently.
...yeah, it's the reading comprehension thing.
I have checked regular shops to stock at, and like I said only leave in impatience and disappointment since there is never anything there that can make me my preferred profit margin per item. I have never SEEN an MP in the Magic Shop in almost 2 years of playing all day every day!
Join the club. Magic is one of the busiest shops. Say 10 items stock per rs (which is probably more than actually do) -- there are literally at least a couple hundred people going for them, and that's during a slow time of day. I've only seen a (very small) handful of big-ticket items in my almost 6 years of play (like you, I don't rs very often -- if you were spending hours rsing like the top people, you would spot more).
I think the same people that get all the goodies still do sit there at their mouses refreshing like mad until their hands go numb. Then they DO grab up all they can in the shortest amount of time, so few others have a chance.
Not how it works. No matter how fast your computer is, you cannot grab more than one, maybe two decent items during a restock (and you definitely won't get two good MPs, because those don't restock in big bunches). There are just too many people going for them. Even when I rs in a shop like Kayla's that's considered slow, I can only grab one item -- some other people will be there and snap up the others while I'm still haggling. And you have to remember that an item's rarity determines how often it stocks. A rarity 99 item will rarely restock, and only one of them will restock at a time -- and it'll be snapped up by one of those hundreds of people before you can blink. A rarity 65 item (for example) will rs a lot more frequently and more than one will stock at a time, and those are the ones you will see sitting longer in the shops.
On another note, on another recent thread some Premium members ARE claming "advantages" over playing on the free site (while some blame me for "starting nonsense rumors").
Well yes, obviously they are going to get some small advantages -- otherwise why would they pay real money for premium? But buying premium alone isn't going to make you a millionaire. And sure, premium people may have the site running faster because they have no ads, but anyone can download firefox and adblock and get the same effect for free. It's still hard work and a lot of playing that makes any Neopian rich.
The "excuse" that it is "only a few hundred neopoints" is moot, since with so many Premium members having the "extra" luck to win it does seem to essentially take away from the luck of the average user winning it.
For the last time, it is NOT THE SAME LOTTERY. It's just not. I do suggest you write the editorial... although the chance of getting your question answered is slim. But the normal neopian lottery just gives neopoints, not neopoints + a random item, and to win it you must either buy a ticket or have one given to you in a random event. These premium people are not buying tickets every day, and they are not getting that "a mysterious man hands you a lottery ticket" RE. They just get the SHH event I quoted. Basically, they won
a lottery they were never actually entered in. It truly IS a fake lottery. The fact that it shares a name with the real, public Neopian Lottery is annoying... although you are the only one who really seems confused by it.