Keep track of what you do, then. Use Notepad or Word or Excel or even just a sheet of paper. Write it down so you know you've done each step in order. Otherwise it's too easy to get confused or distracted and miss a step, and then you do have to start from step 1 again.
This is an example of a sequence worked for me and two of my housemates (hours and minutes were different for each of us):
1 - Check-in 7:40:02 ... Option 7:40:05 (where Option is whatever
2 - Check-in 7:41:05 ... Option 7:41:09 (the picture says to do
3 - Check-in 7:42:11 ... Option 7:42:15 (and on our system it took
4 - Check-in 7:43:16 ... Option 7:43:20 (about 4 seconds between click
5 - Check-in 7:44:21 ... Option 7:44:25 (on Check-in and click on the
6 - Check-in 7:45:25 ... Option 7:45:28 (appropriate Option
7 - Check-in 7:46:29 ... Option 7:46:33
8 - Check-in 7:47:35 ... Option 7:47:39
9 - Check-in 7:48:40 ... Option 7:48:45
10 - Check-in 7:49:45 ... Option 7:49:49
11 - Check-in 7:50:51 -- and the Vaeolus was cured.
We thought it did matter that the time between the Option and the next Check-in should be at least 60 seconds, so that's what we did. And we thought we needed to have the last step take place before the :59 second mark, so that's also what we did. Likewise, we finished before the :59 minute mark! Whether you need to be that strict, we don't know. It just worked 3 times in a row for our 3 accounts.
And yes, it helps to have another person sit through it and keep you on track