Because it improves the quality of the gameplay.
And besides just feeling good and happy about doing a good job, when they improve the quality of the site, people enjoy returning to the site and using it regularly, and then the advertising is more effective, leading advertisers to value it more and thus pay more for an ad spot, bringing in more money...
As far as your other note,
if they had to actually parse data and look for a specific item or trophy, etc., to make a random even
my idea was for it to work the same as the turned-to-sludge thing, that is, as you said,
simply picking an item at random from your inventory based on a sliding rarity scale and if statements
So if the RE came up, it would say something like..
*check for trophies, pick one randomly.
*select random pet
*make PET say "Tell me the story again about the time you got your TROPHY trophy!"
*if no trophies, make PET say "I wish we played games more often, so we could win a trophy!"
*query number of user trophies
*select random pet
*make PET say "do you realize you've won NUMBER trophies? You're amazing!"
and again,
*select random pet
*query user gender; for male say Dad, for female say Mom
*query pet species
*if species Blumaroo, say "PET bounces around the room cheerily and says "you're the best GENDER ever!"; if species Skeith, say "PET growls happily and says you are a great GENDER"; if species Usul, say "PET giggles and says Hey GENDER do you want to play dress up?"
*select random pet
*query user gender
*if male, say "Gosh, Dad, you are really handsome!"
*if female, say "Wow, Mom, you look beautiful today!"
I'm sure you get the idea. I want to use simple queries of pre-existing information already associated with the account. The hard part will be writing the IF statements for queries that have lots of possibilities with different results, such as pet species.
The only difference would be that for birthday/anniversary stuff, you'd have to add a few lines to the database for each user.