buttwig wrote:
spoonguardonline wrote:
buttwig wrote:
spoonguardonline wrote:
And he would have gotten away with it too if it wasn't for us meddling kids!

Well, you know what I mean
And I must admit, I'm very impressed with your Synchronised Laughing People. It must have taken ages to train them to do that.
I spank them regularly. What you said also reminds me of the original Scooby Doo cartoons - the villain was always calling them "meddling kids".
I think the Archivist is about to disappear before we find out he's the evil one behind this and that excuse about checking out something in the archives is just so he can get away.
Firstly, that was a reference to Scooby Doo. It's one of those things that you always know, despite the fact you've never seen or watched it ever.
And secondly, I think we may have seen the last of the Archivist. He says that he is examining inside the library, and he may stay there in the duration of the last three constellations - so we find them without his guidance, making it harder (?). And when we've found all twelve constellations, he'll confess.
As an avid Agatha Christie reader, I've picked up a few ideas, and if you put the facts like this, it makes it much more interesting:
1) Who tells you that all the history books are missing?
The Archivist
2) Who tells you that it is one of the heroes?
The Archivist
3)Who tells you everything you know?
The Archivist and the Book
4)What was the Archivist trying to hide under the table in his office?
The Book
5)Who, in short, has told us everything about the betrayal, and assured us that it is one of the heroes?
The Archivist
I think you can see where I'm going now.
If the Archivist is the mastermind behind all this, then it can be logically understood - the only person, when you think about it, all that is protecting the Archivist is the Archivist, who is blaming a load of heroes who do not currently exist to defend themselves.
It makes sense
Neopets Username: spoonguardonline
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