Casi wrote:
I tried all those under 100 and got my same data results. 113 does not work at all for me. I guess that means I can give up refreshing.
You might want to try a different server instead of 113, like 116. In any case, refreshing certainly is a waste of time, because there are quicker ways to check. In fact, here's a
Mini-Guide to the multiple star datas
Most people have been getting two separate sets of stars in their telescope and their get_star_data page. It is believed this is a glitch, and it should be fixed when TNT hears about it (which will be in under three hours, at this point).
Neopets doesn't rely on just one server, because it would get instantly overwhelmed. Instead, they have hundreds, and whenever you load a page one is automatically selected for you.
You can also choose a specific server by going to, where ## is the server number.
These servers are supposed to be completely identical to each other, but it appears that for many people's star data they're not.
Specifically, servers under number 100 seem to be giving different data than servers 100 and up.
No one knows which set of stars is "right" and which is "wrong". Most people assume that since there are more servers over number 100 and that set of stars is more common, it's the "right" set.
Also, no one knows if the "wrong" set would be good to have, e.g. if it's a set you'll need later on and having it sooner would be an advantage.
It's suggested that, in case it is an advantage, you view and save both sets, one from under 100 and one from 100 and over.
The only servers under 100 are 70, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 94, 95, 96, and 97. Try ... tar_data=1 , or if it doesn't work, replace 74 with a different server.
There are lots of servers over 100, some of them known to work are 100, 102, 103, 105, 109, 113, 116, 129, and 140. Try ... tar_data=1 , or if it doesn't work, replace 113 with a different server.
In any case, it's certainly not essential that you do it, and you'll be able to solve the plot without it. If you can't or don't do it, or if you have the same set of stars for all servers, don't worry, and just relax and wait for the next part of the plot.
Nabile pwns you...
...At Lenny Connundrum.