the_dog_god wrote:
Cookies are your password. They're the stored version of that password which is logged onto your computer. By taking your cookies, they're taking your password.
ArwenEarendil wrote:
Cookies store your password... yes.
But in MD5. You'll need a decoder to actually get your password.
The technicality here is that cookies are
not linked to your password. Cookies, more often than not, store a
random token that authentifies that you are who you say you are. If you lose/duplicate the token, you only comprise the current session (which should be revokable or locked to your IP / Browser anyway), rather than the ability to create new sessions (hence it's useful to have a password-prompt on important pages of the website -- for example, account details).
Simple analogy: Suppose your password is "password". You then log-in to the server using the password (checked against the stored version in their database) -- if you pass the check, the server generates a random token to give you in a cookie: "apples", for example. Now, each time you talk to the server, you include your session key: "apples", and not your password ("password").
Now, suppose got a copy of your cookie -- only the currently active session is compromised, not your password. In other words, should the session be terminated (or verified using the user-agent tag of the browser you're using, or the IP you're accessing the site from), whoever stole the cookie can not access your account or get a new session, since your password ("password") is not compromised.
Speaking of MD5:
reversal databases do exist -- and chances are you can get the MD5 hash of common words reversed pretty easily. And since no hashing algorythm is collision-free, you don't even have to get the
right password -- as long as it fits the hash, you've won.