Hi Flighttime, I too had been using paypal for some time and had never cancelled and it happened to me as well.
I dont know if its relevant, but alot of us appear to be International users, though I am also a "Verified" Paypal user, so that shouldnt be an issue either. and never has been until this billing cycle.
There is also no reason my payment would have failed since the money was in my account as it always is every month. It has never failed before, and didnt this time either.
From what I could see from my paypal account it was just never taken out and sent to Velocity at all...
I dont believe this.. I just logged into Neopets, and my PORTAL IS GONE AGAIN>
I only just fixed all this mess, gave them my credit card details and now its gone again.. WHY?
I just went into user Admin
Username: xxxx
Current Service: No Current service.
My credit card details are all there that I gave them in live chat, and now it seems they wouldnt take paypal and now they arent taking out by CC either , instead Ive just been locked out again with no advices from them whatsoever. Live chat told me that all was well when I put my CC details in 2 days back....... seems that wasnt the case..... *Sigh*
I just got through to live chat. ......
Luis S: i do see that you updated info i do apologize
Luis S: we are having a glitch with system
Luis S: it will be fixed today
Luis S: sorry it will be fixed the end of day